Is anyone using the EINano masturbation tracking app that's being mentioned alot, and if so do you like using it, I've started using about a month ago and find its a bit of fun,
Stopped using tracking app now, after a month using app it seems a bit boring and pointless after a while,
I've been keeping track of my orgasms (either through masturbation or actual sex with a partner) since 2004. I keep it in a ledger. I note who I was fantasizing about when I jerked. 2020 was a good year. I had 476 orgasms. I tried to beat that last year but I fell short. I'm trying to break the 500 mark this year. I better quicken the pace.
How do you find the time for 476 orgasms? Are they all quickies? Between home and work I don’t have much alone time.
Every morning I get up before everybody else so I practically have the house to myself. I'll head to our little computer room in the basement (to watch porn mostly ) and then edge usually for a solid hour and then jerk off before anyone gets up. I'm an early riser. So that's good for 365 wanks. The additional ones are usually in the shower when I come back home from work or I happen to be alone in the house later in the day. So once a day is the norm. Twice happens fairly regularly. Three times a day can happen but is rare. Four times did happen a few times over the years but I was home sick and alone for much of the day.
But to answer your question, the first one of the day is always a nice long edging session. The others are usually quickies. I can usually come within 2 minutes from flaccid to orgasm.
476 a year is only 1.3 a day, I'm probably there with appropriate 476 wanks a year, once a day is obviously 365 wanks a year , I've masturbated at least once every day except when ill since 11 years old, including when in long term relationships, 62 years of masturbating is approximately 22,600 times at once a day, so about 30,000 since I was 11, I masturbate on Christmas day, Easter day and even days I've attended funurals, I masturbated at 7am this morning and now again at 12 midday, I just can't get enough of it, I have plenty of opportunity being single and on my own, there's also a thread on hipforums masturbation forum. (how many times have you masturbated in your life time)
Our total numbers are similar I think. I'm 52 and I've been jerking off since 10 or 11 as well. I even calculated the amount of cum I ejaculated so far and the number was impressive.
OK. I just redid the calculations. I ejaculated about 150 liters so far. That's about 33 imperial gallons. Or 39 US gallons for our American friends.
It's fantastic to know someone else enjoys wanking the same as me, even at 74 cuming with intense ejaculations is magical, do you produce lots of precum,
It is. If I lived alone, I would wank at least 3 times a day but once is usually the norm. I can't help it, my sex drive is through the roof.