Toys r us and maplin failed

Discussion in 'U.K.' started by morrow, Feb 28, 2018.

  1. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    They are blaming on line sales and trends..

    Could it not just be their own fault?

    Smyth's toy shop is just like toys r us but for the price, some products are up to a third less!

    Maplins are so expensive no one shops there so the go online!.. that's not online fault, it's their own for not being competitive.. but another big job loss? Not really.. have you ever tried to get an assistant in these 2 stores? Ever heard them complained about their hours? When will people learn, greed don't work in the long run... And no harm in a bit of competition!

    5,500 jobs at risk as Toys R Us and Maplin face administration
    Eric! likes this.
  2. I don't know Maplin. What do they sell?do?
    Could look it up, can't be bothered.
  3. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I'm sure online shopping is one part of the problem.
  4. All-Organic

    All-Organic Members

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    Actually I like Maplins, and the staff at our local one are very helpful.

    Maplins is also one of those shops that sells things you might need in an emergency, and even if Amazon do deliver next day (which doesn't always work), online isn't any good when you need something NOW
  5. Ged

    Ged Tits and Thigh Man.

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    Update: The entire UK is going into administration. 49 million people will become unemployed. The nation cannot service its debt of 7 trillion pounds. The entire landmass will become a warehouse for Chinese electrical goods bound for Continental Europe. Abandon ship!
    morrow and etherea like this.
  6. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Only one type of shop continues to open stores in the UK now.. and im saying nothing!
  7. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Glad I'm on the other side of the pond... in the EU! :eek: (how dare i ;))
  8. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    We are still in the EU.. this stuff has been going on too long, it's why the UK want out! Can't be worse!!
  9. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    It can (and likely will) be financially. There will just be less east europeans. Well, and west european employees too, but they weren't a big problem, on the contrary.
    We all will pay for the UK stepping out, but the UK will pay most.
  10. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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    I went to a Toys R Us this last Christmas to shop for Toys For Tots which is a charity we have here in the United States that provides toys for needy families. I was also receiving credit in my Cultural Anthropology course for it. At any rate, some of the stuff didn't look that fun. I wish I could remember specific names of toys so that I could show you what I mean. But the toys for little girls were not very cool if you ask me. Probably the same story for boys, but... anyway. I think one of the toys were Fingerlings.


    Cute, but not as cool as a Barbie or GI Joe. Maybe it's a Harajuku thing... or is that only clothes? I don't know.
  11. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    Lol about 50,1% of the UK want out if I remember well.

    And it can always be worse.
  12. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Some british are even trying to get another referendum going as i understand :D Main reason: a very small majority wants (wanted) out and a big amount of them were poorly informed.
  13. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    Poorly informed? They were lied to and tricked. All for some populist agenda.
  14. All-Organic

    All-Organic Members

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    I'd have thought those who voted to stay in, those who voted to leave, and those who didn't vote at all were all equally well or poorly informed.

    Though it's not clear what that has to do with the corporate failure of Toys R Us and Maplins - changing tastes, shopping patterns, taxation rules, the size of rents would all seem more relevant.
    Asmodean likes this.
  15. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Not much i think. I agree.
  16. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Well asmodarling you mentioned, I carried.. but alas, our news thinks it's combined.. me thinks not..

    So it's not really off topic, just a tad wider tale :)
  17. JerryS

    JerryS Members

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    The whole of the UK is broke. The west is broke, if the ECB was not monetizing sovereign debt for Italy, Spain and Portugal no one would buy that crap. I think all those preppers we have been laughing at over the last few years, well I think they might get the last laugh.

    Freedom and liberty were great ideals but we traded them in for free health care and a pension. Private pensions will go to zero so you are going to see a lot more old folks working at KFC & McDs
  18. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    The whole of the west is broke?

    Freedom and liberty aren't great ideals anymore?

    On the long term a lot of these old folks are gone. Money for the old folks pensions is an issue for the next couple of decades. For those who have put in for decades it should not be an issue. We as a society can set that straight. For those who didn't build up anything we as a society have to determine how much we pay for their comfortable old age (mainly via taxes). In my western country it seems we find it worthwile and bearable. Most of these old folks have been a valuable and constructive part of society during their working life.

    But we may be going off topic.
  19. JerryS

    JerryS Members

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    Historically when governments get into the position we are in now they will turn on their own citizens and the state will become tyrannical. They will simply confiscate private pensions over night like they did a few years ago in Hungary. Politicians acted immorally back in the banking crisis and they will do the same when the bond bubble bursts and sovereign debt starts to fail. Or they will start a war as a smoke screen and blame it on the opposition.
  20. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    We'll see :p

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