So I leave my property (car) on another person's property (their land). The land owner does not want my property there so he calls a third party (tow truck) who will steal my car and ransom it back to me and somehow this is legal. Fuck that I do not know how this is tolerated. It's a very shady business.
yes it is lots of times it can be fought but its usually not worth it....they have tons of rules they have to follow about when they tow and how much they can charge...
My front yard is basically just a bare piece of grass. All houses around us have some sort of structural look to it even with plants etc. but we have a vacant piece of land and it is used for people to park their cars on. I hate it. They don't ask they just park. They'll park up right next to my front door. I'll stand there and look. They see me. They don't care. The dog goes off his head they don't care and once one car does it, they all do. And it's not two tires on the grass and half off either, it is fully parked on my private property. Maybe I should ring the tow truck because this happened tonight too obviously folk want Christmas Eve dinner etc. I feel that if you are going to park your vehicle fully on someone else's property then you should ask. I probably wouldn't say no, but when they don't. And I see a car that's parked where it should not be parked.. I get upset.
maybe you should park your car on someone else's property without asking. I had a fella thinking he was going to use my parking lot to work on his car one day. He wasn't real happy when I told him he need to do it somewhere else.
I got my car towed a little over a year ago when I was out in the city, because I did not see the not-so-clearly marked sign that said you couldn't park there. Well, it was probably for the better, since I was out drinking that night and had way more to drink than I should have to be driving, so perhaps it was a blessing in disguise. But these towing guys are real dicks. Not only were they pricks, but it cost like $130 to get my car back, and we literally had to wait in some dark back alley in a sketchy part of town until the tow guys got back to the garage from towing other poor bastards' cars. It was not a fun experience, but it made me super cautious about where I park from then on.
He who has the guns makes the rules, that's been the legal precedent ever since guns were first invented.
A few years ago I found out a friend was in from out of town so invited him out to a bar. His car ended up getting towed because he parked in the parking lot next door and he either didnt see the signs or didnt think it would be enforced at 1 am. I felt horrible because he was only in town for the night and my invite was spontaneous and he ended up paying almost $200 for our spontaneous plans. Plus it took the bar owners forever to track down the towing company for us and he wasnt able to get his car until the next morning. I understand why towing is enforced when parking is limited and I really dont blame lot owners for doing it, but in this case I really didnt understand it. The business who owned the lot was closed, so that means either they watched a security camera and called the towing company remotely or they paid the towing company to drive by every night and tow any cars parked there. Fucking ridiculous, why would they care who parked in their lot after hours?
The US now has 8,000 mph mass launchers and particle beam weapons straight out of Star Wars. Your bombs won't even get near the ground.
well, lots of illegal things are legal for either the government, or the people that happen to have the permits. kind of the same thing happened to me back in college. i ended up freeloading off some friends who got a hotel room in daytona for spring break, but the hotel parking lot only allowed one vehicle per room so i parked at a grocery store, and got towed overnight. seems pointless on the surface, although i wonder if they did it just because it was spring break week and they probably would have had no parking spaces for customers if they let everyone just park there. the thing that really annoyed me about it was that they quoted me some price like $120 when i called them, then by the time i got there a couple hours later the price had almost doubled because it was after whatever time makes it count as two day storage instead of one. not only did they only have the damn thing for 12 hours and made me pay for two days, but they could have at least told me; i was lucky to have gotten enough money out of the atm on the way there. but my worst towing story was from a friend of mine who got a DUI a few years ago. his car got towed when he was picked up, and when i took him to get it back a couple days later, hundreds of dollars worth of sports equipment and other various shit that he kept in his car had mysteriously vanished. and of course, the towing company claimed that the car had nothing in it when they towed it.
money is just money time with a friend is worth more than anything he may have been pissed off at the time but i doubt he regrets it
a lot of people do a lot of really stupid things. a cultural disregard for, or even hatred of, logic, is often at the root of many of them. then they just can't seem to understand "why is the universe picking on me?" having stuff stolen from a towed vehicle, or having one towed for sitting too long someplace where it wasn't in the way of anything, is really messed up. but people having to drive in cities when they don't have to drag more then they can carry around with them, because their town's public transportation is woefully inadequate, is really messed up too, and far too typical of too many american cities with far too little excuse for that being the case. yet you see spoiled brats defacing and vandelizing public transportation and other public ammenities, why is it so hard for people to connect the kind of world they have to live in, with what they themselves make of it? i guess i can sort of understand frustrations + targets of opportunity, but the universe has no compelling reason to give a shit why people don't want to think about or pay attention to what they are doing. so yah, a car is a big investment in most people's lives, and a neccessarry one in far too many, but people do have a responsibility to their own consiquences to think. the whole reason we even have governments, that so many people bitch about that we do, is to compensate for their unwillingness to consider all things, themselves and each other included. (there ARE useful things governments can do, as long as people are unwilling to be considerate enough to not need them, but that is, of course, another subject)