Total Mind fuck!!!

Discussion in 'Mind Games' started by purcolekraze, May 24, 2004.

  1. purcolekraze

    purcolekraze Member

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    Saturday night my friend Anna and I got my other friend Molly, the highest she has ever gotten. My friend and I ate sweet tarts. When there was one left we told Molly that she had to eat it. She didn't know that it was a sweet tart. We told her that the F.B.I./Mafia was watching the house to see if we smoke weed. We told her that she had to take the pill to varify that she would not tell the mafia where she had gotten high. We said that hte pill makes you lose your memory and could kill you. We also so that you trip for 5 minutes and that it intensifies your high. We jumped on her and tried to force the "pill" down her throat. She cried adnwent to call her mom. finally we told her it was a sweet tart. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh yeah, The girl was _DeLiA_
  2. _DeLiA_

    _DeLiA_ Member

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    keep in mind i was very high....:eek:
  3. grim_rebel

    grim_rebel Member

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    lol... girls girls... can't say i've never been mindfucked before... i was eleven and first smoked weed in Dahab (Egypt), just my luck that i was kickin it with some tenth graders who had to fuck with my head, givin me the box and shiiit... oh well, good times and braincells well-lost. Cheers
  4. Peace

    Peace In complete harmony.

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    That's cool. I prefer not to mess with people like that when I'm high. I don't want them to be paranoid, I want everyone to enjoy being high. As though it were a spiritual time.
  5. NatureFreak412

    NatureFreak412 Art of Balance

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    somebody told me something and freaked me out the first time i got really stoned, but i dont remember it, and i forgot what i was freakin out about after that, so it doesnt matter.
  6. Fractual_

    Fractual_ cosmos factory

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    yeah i wouldnt want to be fucked with like that if i was stoned
  7. Guru420

    Guru420 Member

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    yea man, I'm with you on these mind-fucks its fun to do and I've even had fun getting mind fucked.

    One time, me and my friend andrew got super stoned with a bunch of kids at Daniel's house. I stood up on my chair and said "Andrew, stand up and gaurd your knee-caps, Daniel's little sister in on the loose". He was like " he has a sister?" (he lives in like a one bedroom apartment). "Yea," I said, "She lives in the basement, and she's has really sharp teeth. She's retarded, so be nice to her when you put her muzzle back on". He was freakin out, and then I just cracked up super hard.

    When I was on shrooms I got fucked with, well I mostly fucked with myself. I had just spit on the ground, when I felt somthing touch the back of my head. I look behind me and see my friend Julius and I'm like "Did you just spit on me?!" all pissed off, and he laughs. When I touch my hair it feels like liquid all over because I'm trippin super hard, but by this time I realize I'm just tripped hard so I laugh. Thirty minutes later I touch my hair again and start thinking "Maybe he did spit in my hair" but then again realize I'm trippin out. I then again realize that my hair feels the same all over, so he would have had to spit one hell of a guber.
  8. diktnemele

    diktnemele Member

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    do the one about the bees nest in the persons hair if it is long
  9. w00dstock

    w00dstock Member

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    lol your an asshole... btw, it sounds like the cops and the mafia were workin together outside, dosnt make much sence...poor girl, lol. The worst thing i ever told to trip out a friend was "Dude...were out of ice cream"
  10. TripAmerika

    TripAmerika Member

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    Once, when I made the silly decision to trip at school, in high school, this kid told me that he had told everyone in the school what I was on and that all of the faculty and students knew because they were all helping the cops try to track me down in the halls. I've never been so scared.
  11. baldy5000

    baldy5000 Member

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    I don't mean to sound like a prude but maybe you should wait till you are a little older before you smoke weed. I am pro marijuana but maybe not at the age of 11 or 15 or whatever. Wait until you can make a fully educated decision. Do some homework.
  12. maryjaneguitargurl

    maryjaneguitargurl I am just like you.

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    I do great in school even though i smoke on the weekends. I have never failed and i make as and bs guess cause i only do it on the weekends.. Cant do it every day

  13. God

    God Member

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    man thats not cool, mind fuckin people. you could fuck them up permanently, if they are fragile enough. its cool to get mindfucked if your sober, i guess.
  14. Althea

    Althea Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I don't go for fuckin' with people when they're high. For one thing it's just not the kynd thing to do, and for another if I'm all ~meLLow~ I'd prefer if no one was freakin' out.

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