Top Ten Reasons To Defeat Bush

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Mui, Jun 12, 2004.

  1. Mui

    Mui Senior Member

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    So... the cp released their top 10 reasons to defeat bush. Feel free to come up with your own top 10 reasons to defeat bush, or kerry if you can think of 10 reasons.

    1. Bush is destroying workers rights and outsourcing jobs instead of protecting the right to organize and creating new jobs rebuilding schools, bridges, roads and hospitals

    2. Bush is privatizing Medicare, Social Security and public education with phony reforms instead of enacting health care for all, protecting retirement funds and full funding for public education through college.

    3. Bush is bankrupting the Federal Government with giant tax cuts for the very rich and super-funds to the military instead of securing the budget for human needs by taxing the rich and spending on human needs.

    4. Bush is rolling back civil rights gains instead of enforcing and expanding affirmative action to end racism in all areas of life.

    5. Bush is curtailing women's rights and choice by undermining Roe v. Wade instead of upholding the right to choice and ending the gender wage gap.

    6. Bush is abusing immigrant workers in low-wage jobs instead of providing a clear path to citizenship and equal rights.

    7. Bush is exploiting and ruining the environment by protecting corporate polluters instead of conserving our natural resources for the public good.

    8. Bush's war in Iraq is a disaster for our security and economy. He is pushing for more preemptive wars and for first strike nuclear military policy instead of negotiations and cooperation utilizing the UN.

    9. Bush is denying civil liberties and free speech in the name of fighting terrorism instead of repealing the USA Patriot Act and helping cities, towns and states fund firefighters and police.

    10. Bush discriminates against Gays and Lesbians with a Constitutional Amendment instead of expanding civil rights and liberties for all.
  2. GrievousAngel

    GrievousAngel Banned

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    Only things i agree with you are 3,5 & 7.1. Bush isn't outsourcing jobs, he has no control over outsourcing
    2.I want no part of a socializes Health Care system, social security is a bad idea anyway, and for the longest time public education is a joke. At least he is spicing it up a bit though, not that i agree with NO Child Left Behind.
    3.Actually i am happy with tax cuts to the rich. and by human needs to you mean social programs? Eh, I guess me and you don't agree.
    4.Affrimative Action is really racism against white people, reverse discriminatoin
    5.Bush's choices on abortion have more to do with his and alot of americans religious beliefs than sexism. But, I am pro-choice and see no need in banning abortion
    6.OK you bitch about outsourcing but want immigrants to have better wages? Alot of these migrant workers still live in mexico and are doing the same work they do there but for alot more money.
    8.Guess what? Bitching isn't going to help any, we are handing over control june 30. Let it go. Welost 900 soliders, we lost more than that on the first 15 minutes of D-day.
    9.He is taking the rights of maybe .002 percent of the people. And most of them are actually doing something bad.
    10.I don't agree with the ban, but it;s more political than anything else.
  3. LuciferSam

    LuciferSam Member

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    I agree with most of Mui's points...

    Neither do I, the "No Child Left Behind" phrase is nonsense. However, public education is going to remain a joke if we don't fund them properly. I'm for Social Security and more public health care as well.

    I actually agree with you, although I don't think it's always blatant reverse discrimination. Affirmative Action is one liberal idea I don't agree with wholeheartedly. People should be employed by merit and not because of ethnicity. And affirmative action won't erase racism in "all walks of life."

    That's not a very relevant comparison. WWII losses are always going to dwarf the statistics of just about any war since. That's why it was a "World War." The fact is those 900-odd soldiers are dead, and for reasons far more dubious than anything that inspired our involvement in WWII (besides FDR's alleged secret knowledge of Pearl Harbor beforehand). And don't think our expected handover at the end of june will halt the death toll. We may be handing over nominal sovereignty but our troops will remain there a while.

    Still doesn't give him the right to take their rights away.

    I'll also add on to the list of points against Bush that he's a panderer to the interests of the religious right. Ashcroft must go!
  4. renee

    renee Member

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    Everybody complains about the President... No matter who the son of a cow is.
  5. Maggie Sugar

    Maggie Sugar Senior Member

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    I agree with the first post. Which makes it even clearer that wasting one's vote will only ensure that Bush will get an other four years to continue to fuck things up.

    At this time the ONLY way to get us any releif is to do the only thing to ENSURE Bush doesn't get re-elected. And Third Pary voting isn't it. VOTE for the ONLY dude who has a chance. Even if you don't like Kerry, no one else has a chance, and voting for them will ONLY ensure an other Bush win.

    When your house is on fire you put out the fire, you do NOT remodel. Save voting to "make a statement" or "voting your dreams, not your fears" for an other election. This one is too important for idealism.

    Be realistic. The Big Dogs who make the decisions and changes do NOT CARE about idealistic "statements" or "dreams." One is wasting one's time thinking that voting third party will make ANY impression on the very people one thinks it will. I am STILL mad at Nader voters for the mess we are in. THEY could have made the difference. "Statements" and "dreams" don't mean a hill of doo doo on Capital Hill. USE YOUR VOTE WISELY.

    Vote Kerry, It is the only way. IMO.
  6. MeowCow

    MeowCow Guest

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    For the first time in my entire life, of the hundreds of people who say they hate bush, Mui, you are the FIRST person to support your reason without saying "ohhh its because he sucks!"
  7. Pointbreak

    Pointbreak Banned

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    You mean the first person to make the incredible effort of cutting and pasting from "the cp"?
  8. sreed24

    sreed24 Member

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    My top 10

    1-He has cast his lot with the wing of his party which extols cuting taxes on the wealthy as the primary, if not the only, goal of economic and fiscal policy. The result of course is big deficits and a less progressive tax system. Tax cuts are one thing when you cut spending along with them so that you are essentially shifting spending from the public to the private sector. What Bush and the GOP has done is cut taxes without cutting spending so that we are just shifting the burden of current spending from now until the future.

    2-His foreign policy and the attitude with which it has been conducted has destroyed international goodwill and America's political capital.

    3-Whether the war in Iraq was a good idea or not, Bush's handling of its aftermath has shown astounding lack of good judgment and foresight.

    4-The Bush adminstation, even by the standards of modern politics, is extraordinarily politically oriented, with policy options evaluated primarily, if not exclusively, by their poltical impact.

    5-Bush's economic policy has been desultory and intellectually bankrupt. Besides wanting to cut taxes for the rich he shows little evidence of actually believing in anything else. When it comes to trade, regulation, or any economic issue you can name Bush seems to either have nothing to say or goes with the political winds.

    6-John Ashcroft. I know a staunch Republican in the Department of Justice-we're talking a big Dick Cheney fan-who assures me that Reno was a superior Attorney General, that Ashcroft is weird and almost impossible to communicate with. More than ever we need a very skilled Attorney General to walk the fine line between aggressively fighting terrorism and protecting our civil liberties and Bush gives us this clown.

    7-His nominations of judges. Now I certainly expect Bush to nominate conservative judges but he seems to seek out the ones who are not only the most ideological but are frankly just low caliber people. Witness Bush nominee Leon Holmes, who once said regarding making exceptions for abortion in cases involving rape "concern for rape victims is a red herring because conceptions from rape occur with the same frequency as snowfall in Miami." (Which would be true if it snowed in Miami 32,000 times per year). He's got some other jaw dropping quotes as well. This guy should be forced to retire from public life in shame and Bush is nomiating him to a higher position.

    8-Bush's lack of leadership in allowing the grievously embarrassing torture of Iraqi prisoners to occur and his failure to fully apologize and sanction those responsible. If he was deliberately trying to damage America's image and ability to claim the moral high ground he couldn't have done any better.

    9-The failure of his administration to do much of anything about education or civil rights.

    10-One term was good enough for his dad, it ought to be good enough for him.

    When Bush won the nomination in '00, it stupefied me how anyone could compare Bush and John McCain and prefer Bush. Now more than ever I pine for the McCain presidency that might have been.

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