I've got an Idea! What if make a toothpaste with marihuana. The paste will blanch your teeth and a bit relax you! LOL! What do you think? :afro:? :dizzy2:? Will you try it?
i don't know enough about the science of THC to know if that would actually work. or would you have to swallow the toothpaste? i also don't know enough about the science of toothpaste to know if that would actually clean your teeth.
i wash with a bar of soap that's round and has a paw print shape on one side and had caffine in the formula. i don't know if the caffine in it actually does anything. i think it would be the same way if you put mary jane in the tooth paste. i mean if you could sell that legally i'm sure it would be mostly harmless, though just as a wild guess, a complete waste of whatever thc there was in it.
I they made weed toothpaste, I'd definitely be using it. Provided it had a high THC content. Indica cinnimon would be fantastic!
I think it would suck. Like trying to eat potato chips when stoned, how it feels like chewing on a glob of clay that you can't swallow!
So depending on who you ask... Either works by penetrating enamel and hardening it. Or is a conspiracy by the Jews to make us complacent. I looked into it, and couldn't find the PH balance of pure THC. However it's biological precursor is an acid. I would suspect THC is probably somewhat acidic, and would probably not make a beneficial toothpaste. Also, you'd likely have to swallow it which is generally a bad idea if you like your brain doing braining.
My man had a toothache desperate for relief he took a bud and chewed it. He said that chewing the bud helped his toothache, so maybe as a toothache relief medicated toothpaste. (It probably would not taste great though)