Who has gotten some good head from someone who takes out their dentures. Ok. Now that that shock is over, have you? I recently did and she's a lovely lady and beautiful. After an accident, she needed dentures and then discovered her love of oral sex. So, have you? Would you if given the opportunity?
Yes I've had the opportunity to receive a blow job without dentures in and it was a great blow job. She was literally eating my cock, chewing down on it and it felt fabulous.
Nice! After the couple minutes of getting over the toothless thing and relaxing, it's just like you say. And I'm a fan of teeth on my cock too. Bite it nicely. But this is a new thing and I'm really getting into it.
Yes, one time. A lady that I did not know had dentures and I had only known a short time took out hers and then started sucking me. She was good at it and enjoyed sucking and it was absolutely fantastic. It was so ooo good. Loved it. Unfortunately she moved.
Are you met one who had dentures and she took them out while giving me a blow job ones. I like the fact that it made it easier for her
I knew a girl who had uppers after a car accident. She never blew me but we talked about it and she said her boyfriend loved it. No teeth up top and a nice, juicy tongue below. I wish I could have convinced her to try on me.
Oh wow yes. One time I had a lady FWB in her 40s take out her dentures and decided she wss going to give me the best blowjob I ever had. Oh was she ever right, I had never felt anything that good before and and probably came more than I ever had. About a month later, she got married to someone I didn't know and ended moving halfway across the country away.