I dont know why but I basicly chue on one side of my mouth more than the other. Well my last tooth (molar) is fucked up. It has a filling on it and I think it eather fell out or the tooth cracked. I cant drink cold milk or eat hot food. Could I have warn it down? Im only 16... I did have all my adult teeth at an early age. I just noticed that the top molar (last one [on the same side]) feels like its warn down compared to the other sides molars... is this good? I think Im goin to go to the dentest on saterday.
Toot toot, boing boing, Peppi and Kokki.... etc. Your post reminded me of the greatest heros of our time; Peppi and Kokki.
When you chew on your gums, Cory.. do you chew on your teeth? Cause I have chewed on my gums for YEARS... the left side and never hurt a tooth that I know of. How long has it been since the molar came in? Could it just be sore? Maybe you have sensitive teeth? (I do).... in any case, dont panic But I do think the dentist is your best bet.... it might be nothing, it might not but the dentist can help you and i bet you have insurance...so dont worry- it'll be okay
No I dont chew on my gums... Thats what teeth are for. Yea I do have insurance. I noticed it monday. Every day it gets alittle more painful.
do you grind your teeth then? in any case.. dont fear the dentist. just go there. if it's bad enough...they can give you good drugs!
I know I actually like the dentest. I keep my teeth white as hell. My dad went in yesterday and they gave him some pain killers and he looked pretty spaced out tonight. I dont think I gride my teeth. I may.
Toot toot, boing boing.... If you have Kazaa or the likes, be sure to download the Peppi and Kokki tune.