Took my own Advice

Discussion in 'Barefoot' started by JustTyler, Nov 10, 2023.

  1. JustTyler

    JustTyler Members

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    Good Friday!
    A fellow on here was looking for advice on how to start barefooting. I suggest he drive out of town so noone he knows would see him.
    Well today I just did that. Visited a city 50miles away that I enjoy visiting every few months. I drove barefoot, and I went to 2 walmarts, a Target, then a small restaraunt. I parked far away on the back side of every parking lot and pushed a cart in every store and walked around. Bought some stuff as someone suggested. The stores were packed so it was nerve wrecking. I tried to stay focused on what I was doing but it wasn't easy. I just stayed eyes ahead, didn't make eye contact with anybody.
    My feet did not get as black as I thought they would. They did get a lot darker than they appear here. I did however get a blister on the bottom of one of my toes. Is that normal when beginning? I didn't feel friction with the ground?
    Still making progress.
    Baby steps.
    At this point the forum is just a way to document my progress. Curious to see where I am a few years from now, and to look back and read on this again. Will I even remember this day? Who knows lol.

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    Barefoot Rick likes this.
  2. Barefoot-Fetishist

    Barefoot-Fetishist Members

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    Blisters are normal in the beginning if you overdo it. Your soles are still tender. The skin will adapt over time and you will enjoy walking barefoot much more.
    M_Ranko, Barefoot Rick and JustTyler like this.
  3. Barefoot Rick

    Barefoot Rick I love my dirty bare feet

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    And that is true the more you walk barefoot the tougher your feet get and then you can go everywhere barefoot . I go hiking , fishing, and camping barefoot and it’s a awesome lifestyle
    JustTyler likes this.
  4. M_Ranko

    M_Ranko Straight edge xXx

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    Confirmed. This definitely happens.
  5. JustTyler

    JustTyler Members

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    Good to know. Its just a small one. Doesnt hurt though. I don't think I was out barefoot for very long. Accumulative foot to ground time was maybe an hour as most.
  6. goodearth

    goodearth Member

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    Serious barefooters will build up thick callouses on thier feet that need filing down from time to time. Otherwise they will begin to crack, and become sore. It's all part of the natural and free life of a barefooter.....nurturing the natural sole.
  7. JustTyler

    JustTyler Members

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    I mean pedicures do feel amazing
    Barefoot Rick and riverman18 like this.
  8. Barefoot-boy

    Barefoot-boy Member

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    Watching a pretty girl tending to your bare feet while sitting in that pedicure chair is amazingly sexy as well. ;):cool:

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