Ok I want some opinions. Can you be so drunk you literally have no idea what's going on? I have a friend who has had sex several times when she was blackout drunk, and so drunk she "didn't know what was going on". Is she exaggerating as a cover for being promiscuous or could this be legit?
Of course it can happen. Some people might use it as an excuse later but it can legitimately happen and probably does all the time. I won't go into all of the details (as I did once before when I first joined here) but I was at a party one time where many of us were staying to sleep. Most of us were pretty fucked up. I repeatedly told this woman that I didn't want to have sex with her. I even called her every insulting name I could think of because she just wouldn't leave me alone. I was a complete asshole to her on purpose to get her to back off. She was relentless. I went to sleep and woke up to her riding me. I might have been awake for 5-10 seconds and passed out again. But I remembered that 5-10 seconds and she admitted it later. Shit like that happens. If I would have done that to a woman....I could have gone to jail for it and rightfully so.
i don't know how much but I got drunk and someone asked me to chaperon a drunk girl back to hotel. I went to sleep I woke and the girl had been attacked during the night she was in one part of room and me the other. I woke to hear she had been attacked attempted rape. she managed to fight him off and was okay but I didn't hear a damned thing because I had blacked out and didn't know it. wasn't a high point
Obviously a person can be so drunk they don't know what's going on and have no recollection of it the next day. It's called blacking out. But it's also easy to blame the alcohol when the problems really lie with your own mental health. People with a modicum of class, self-respect and intellect don't act this way or get themselves into these kind of situations, let alone repeatedly. Um, yeah, it's rape. But it's funny how in these situations the blame is always placed solely on the men when it's the woman who's putting herself in the position to be raped in the first place by not having any personal responsibility for her actions. But how the hell would this person even remember having sex if she was THAT drunk? If she didn't know what she was doing at the time, then she would not even remember it the next day. So this all sounds like bullshit to me. I would not get near a women like this, 1) because of the disease risk, and 2) because it sounds like she has a trick up her sleeve to possibly set someone up.
She didn't realize she had sex until the next morning, which I can believe. Just because you black out doesn't mean you can't eventually learn what happened by word of mouth, etc.