Too Big?

Discussion in 'Sexual Health' started by Automind, Feb 13, 2023.

  1. Automind

    Automind Newbie

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    I has anyone had there penis get dramatically bigger at a point in life where you would think that you are not growing anymore? I have always felt like my penis was partially trapped inside my body and apparently it actually was.

    I have always felt like my penis was pretty average even to the point of being insecure about it. But recently I have been with a woman who was very "hands on" and she did something that I didn't even know was possible. She was performing oral sex on me and somehow she isolated the part of my penis that was trapped with her hand and then sucked very hard for a considerable amount of time until all of a sudden I felt a strange sensation that felt like what I can only describe as extreme relief, and the part of my penis that was trapped was suddenly released. It was an unbelievable feeling of relief really and it turned out that she somehow "opened up" a valve or something that allowed my penis to "fill up" all the way and expand to balance out. It was what felt like a miracle. Now the penis that I have been insecure about is absolutely HUGE.

    It also got longer too but it's really the girth that changed so dramatically. I'm not sure if it's just flawed data in the statistics or what but after measuring the girth with a string apparently now my penis is bigger than 95% of other men? So it turns out that it's 6.3 inches in circumference which is about the same as the top of a pop can. I have really big hands (I'm 6'2) and can't even come close to getting my hand around my penis. I'm 35 years old but I have only been with 3 women and they have all said that I had a big penis and that was before my friend "fixed" it. She is ten years older than me, never married and has had a kid and we basically stopped having sex because it hurt her too much.

    The reason I'm posting this is because i'm not sure now how to approach women now. I am usually interested in more petite women but now I'm not sure if that will be an option anymore. The girl that did this to me was above average for a woman (5"9 120lbs) and I had trouble getting penetration unless she was very well lubricated and after using extensive time and methods to stretch her out in preparation.

    Any thoughts or advice? Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I never thought that my penis would be bigger than 95% of guys out there so I never put much thought into how to approach this.
  2. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Fun times for you!

    I have heard of people using Viagra having a similar experience, but you are a happy guy now.
  3. NubbinsUp

    NubbinsUp Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    This is an "Introduce Yourself" forum. You created this new profile today. You lead with your penile history. Nice.

    "Welcome," I guess.

    You ask if anyone has every experienced anything like this. The human species is considered to be about 300,000 years old, and there are over 7 billion of us now sharing this planet. It's fair to say that your situation is not a first-and-only.

    The Kama Sutra was compiled about 2,000 years ago, and it is still widely available. It offers strategies for genital size mismatches in order to achieve harmonious sexual union. Alternatively, you could do a google search on "sex positions for big penis" and you'll find many online articles with diagrams of positions. It's a popular topic in women's magazines and among online journalists.

    Finding yourself in the top five percent means that you're one in 20, not a first ever. As to achieving your best erection ever during oral sex, that's how most men have their largest erections. A group of researchers at the Kinsey Institute published findings to that effect about a decade ago.
    Toker and ~Zen~ like this.
  4. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Good point @NubbinsUp I had not noticed that this was in the Introduce Yourself Forum.

    To ease everyone's minds, I have moved this thread to the Sexual Health area.
    Toker likes this.
  5. Automind

    Automind Newbie

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    I didn't notice the category. I thought I clicked on general discussion. Thanks for being so welcome. Thanks for making this a horrible experience and introduction to this forum. I'll be sure not to post anything else.

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