Oh but he is grrrrrreat! and he has the coolest catchphrase...grrrrreat! see i can say it over and over and it doesnt get tiring... and you can change the number of r's in it to add variety...superb
I have to agree with Spyder on this one. There is something rather disturbing about that tiger.......
It always seemed to me by the adverts that if you don't jump high enough, kick hard enough, or paddle fast enough, he doesn't feed you !!!
the coolest catchphrase is reserved for the ghost busters who you gonna call? ghost busters! they even have great music
Agreed! . Ghostbusters! If there's something strange in your neighborhood Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! If there's something weird and it don't look good Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! etc... .
I like it in Ghostbuster 2 when they go to that party, and say who you gonna call? And all the kids shout "He-Man!" Ahhh, I nearly pissed myself laughing....
haha yeah! that film still properly scares me tho! the bit where he comes out of the painting (his head!) eeep
Last week on TV I saw an interview of the guy who does his voice... he's like this creepy old guy... seemed like a icky pedophile... From now on I'm scared to death of him.... he's haunting my dreams... But Captin Crunch is cool! Am I the only person who didn't like the Ghostbusters movies? C'mon people there are better things out there!