Has anyone else had their tonsils removed? I had mine taken out yesterday, and I want to know how long it will probably be until it feels better. It hurts SO bad. I'm so thirsty and hungry, but I can't swallow... I just want to escape from this. I woke up screaming in the recovery room because of the discomfort, and I had an allergic reaction to the decadron beforehand which was really scary too. They also tore my lips a bit, when my mouth was stretched open during the surgery, so that hurts a lot too. Anyone else been through this, and can share my pain?
I had my tonsils removed when I was only one. So I can't really share your pain coz I don't remember anything about it. Anyhoo... Just eat loads of ice cream, that should help a bit.
I had mine taken out about two years ago....and yes it hurts alot! You really have to be patient with it. Icecream is just about the only thing you'll probably be able to handle....get better soon!
I was @ 7 when I had mine out...so that was like 20 yrs ago. I remember waking up right after the surgery strapped down on my stomach. I was so scared I cried for my mom and she never came. That lasted for about 5 seconds until I fell back asleep. When I woke up again, I was on my back and not strapped down!! I know that kids heal a lot faster, so I really don't remember too much pain, except a sore throat for a while. Just try to go easy on your throat. No more screaming! Drink lots of water and eat popsicles. Maybe some hot tea. I hope you recover well.
I had mine removed when I was 17 & it hurts like a motherfucker for at least 6 weeks! I lost so much weight because all I ate was ice chips & popsicles that entire time. Don't drink anything carbonated either, that hurts like hell! Anything hot hurts like hell too, just hang in there! I feel your pain!
6 weeks to recover? whoaaa. yeah, i think i've lost weight already, and it's only been a few days. I guess the cloud has a silver lining, because I've been meaning to lose weight anyway. But the pain is too much. And the codeine (painkiller) makes me nauseous, and yesterday I was throwing up a lot of blood and nosebleeding. It was the scariest thing ever. I looked up in the mirror and I looked like Carrie from the movie, with blood all over my face and teeth, crying. Ok, sorry for the gross imagery- I just have to vent... and I can't vent vocally whatsoever, because talking hurts like hell...
Yeah, it's normal to throw up a lot of blood, I did too. The blood runs down your throat during the removal of the tonsils, then your stomach rejects it, YUK! Hang in there, it sucks but at least it's not forever!