Tomb Raider Is Now Older Than Most Dogs Or Whisky

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by The Walking Dickhead, Oct 24, 2016.

  1. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    What's so great about Lara Croft and Tomb Raider apart from the first three games on the PSX?

    Not really much. Some nice graphics, smaller tits and real jungles.

    Yet she has become an iconic figure of female animal hunters. To celebrate over sexualisation of the female body, extrem violence towards wild animals and pointless linear gameplay.

    They dropped a really good and addictive 3D platform game engine and replaced it with the generic gameplay format of every other 3D shooter around at the time. Well done.

    I buy the latest one, only to find I can't play it anymore because they swapped all the controls around. Like buying a new car and finding the steering wheel on the floor and the spare wheel in the glove compartment.

    Happy 20th birthday Polly Gone.

  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    never played them games. Id take indiana jones any day
  3. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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  4. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    Why is this a women's issue??
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  5. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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    The older Tomb Raider was way hotter. Actually looked special. Had an attitude, something to prove. More likely to give you the finger. This new one looks like they held a feminist committee to determine how she would look. So maybe the feminists can help support this game since it was designed with them in mind, count me out. Oh wait, feminists don't actually play video games, they just critique them.

    Tough titty.
  6. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Indiana Jones doesn't have good video games. I guess that's why there was room for Nathan Drake (great games). But the last Tomb raider game is also great. I dare to recommend it!
  7. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I think I've played close to all of them. One of the first games I ever bought for my Playstation back in the day was TR3.
  8. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    The 20th anniversay of the Lara Croft franchise has rekindled the debate on whether or not she is a positive feminist icon or not. Also, I couldn't find any gaming forums.
  9. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I can see how some feminists would actively make it an issue. Regardless of the Lara Croft character having smaller tits she is still a typical 'hot female' in a tank top looking hot during intense shooting action (and no not that kind of shooting action :p).

    But I would be equally interested in the new Tomb raider if the main character would be Nathan Drake or Indiana Jones so I'm not too concerned about this issue myself (I'm a male with slightly feministic tendencies, all in the realm of reason of course!)

    It was more active a while ago but I (and some others) still recently posted in there :p

    Anyway, if I read the OP it sounds like you find Rise of the tomb raider sucks because the controls are not the same as 15 years ago, and they shifted over the years from 3D platform to 3D action/adventure (the earliest Tomb raider game I played already had 3D shooter style and elements though)?
  10. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    I didn't really care about the character or the size of her tits, I just liked the unique gameplay and the feeling of exploration, and puzzle solving.

    Over the years they have completely fucked it up. The graphics are slicker, but the gameplay is shot to fuck. All because a bunch of inept morons who didn't like the controls, or couldn't get used to them kept on complaining about it.

    With the old controls you felt like there was something solid there, and the surroundings were solid as you leapt from block to block. The movement on TR1 was slowest, or clunkiest as some might say, but in my mind that was a good thing because it allowed to to relax and enjoy playing the game rather than frantically running about shooting as much. I always just ran for height when an animal came along and used the pistols, or jump from side to side and locked the pistols on the animal until it died and I could get on with the game. They could have taken that aspect out altogether.

    Now it all just goes so fast and the plot is so linear and boring and you don't feel so immersed in the game. Biggest fuck up in gaming history that.
  11. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I like the newest 2 tomb raiders also for the feeling of exploration and puzzle solving. As it seems to me the puzzles is where they really fucked up. They are too easy or too short. The controls and gameplay is just fine, it merely has changed in a way that doesn't suit you personally ;)
    So they lost the auto lock, suits me greatly. The action was far less intense with the guns auto aiming on every enemy. And the shooter action was always ment to be intense as well. They just found out auto locking is not what most players want. Most Tomb raider fans also don\t want to just frantically run around shooting as much, indeed. At least not all the time. Maybe you have the possibility to use more tactic and stealth? But also the option to go frantic in with guns blazing. And you found yourself in the latter situation because that's how it goes when you're not tactical enough ;)

    Most people that have played the last 2 Tomb raider games (that I took notice of) did feel immersed in the game and story!

    I agree they did fuck up over the years, which is why I didn't even play a whole lot of tomb raider games. But the reboot has been fun so far. First one had 2 main complaints: too short game (I finished it in like 3 evenings max. at a friends place :p), and too easy puzzles. Second one (Rise of the tomb raider) has also too short and easy puzzles, but the game as a whole is bigger :) Worth about €30 imo
  12. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    Maybe the new controls didn't suit a lot of other people, like the old fans who bought the original games and effectively made TR a success with our money and our thumbs.

    Yeah, you like the new ones but you finished them in 3 days. You just made my point for me.

    Obviously the game has to evolve and certain elements might have to change, such as the blockiness. Or do they? They could have retained the controls where you walk to the edge, jump back one block then run and jump right from the edge. Now when you go to close to the edge she falls off and hangs off the edge? They could still have retained certain elements of the blockiness/gameplay and been a bit more creative with it, a compromise between realism and gameplay.

    Sorry, but fuck the new controls. There are million other games out there that have these controls, Tomb Raider is Tomb Raider.

    I did quite like Underworld, it wasn't bad... until I got 3/4 through the game and couldn't get any further due to a bug in the game. So I just gave up then, rather than going back and doing things slightly differently. I couldn't be bothered. Sloppy game development.

    And I also bought the latest reboot, the one where she gets raped or something and got Steam to refund me within a day. It was fucking awful.

    Oddworld was once a great little 2D platform puzzle solver, beautiful graphics. Then one day the developers decided to reboot it into 3D, and then it was shit and no-one liked it anymore and it died.

    Now they just brought it back as a 2D platform format again, with the same simple controls and even more beautiful graphics and now it's a huge success again.

    Conclusion: Gameplay is 90% game.
  13. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I agree. But the gameplay isn't what sucked in the newest Tomb raider games. They didn't suit you though, clear.

    Only in the first game after the reboot and I stated it as 1 of the 2 big flaws of that game. In other words I agree with you that was a flaw but no: it didn't make your point as they did something with the criticism that flaw got. If the biggest flaw of a game is that it is too short you can conclude they did a lot of things right (otherwise no one would have given a shit that it is too short :p)
    I still have to finish Rise of the tomb raider btw (so no spoilers please :))

    They could have retained some of the elements you valued most, unfortunately they didn't. You are disappointed with the latest one, lots of others (including old school TR fans) are not. Imo they did retain some of the elements that mattered most in Tomb raider.
    I never played a lot of Underworld, didn't appeal to me. I guess I also assumed it would be another disappointing game in the franchise. I assumed the same when the reboot started and was pleasantly suprised (except as you know by now by the puzzles and length of the entire game, but I still was very happy that the puzzles were in there. They were fun but too easy in the end)

    I thoroughly enjoyed Stranger's wrath and would recommend it to any Oddworld fan! Except of course if they refuse to play a 3D action game set in that amazing oddworld universe just because it does something different. I always assumed at the time it wasn't THE new direction of the franchise, just something different. Didn't they develop a platform oddworld after that again? Not sure...! But most fans of Abe's oddysee I know haven't even heard of Strangers wrath... I can see how a certain amount of Oddworld fans would skip that game because it is first person action focussed but that doesn't make it a shit game (it wasn't).
  14. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    Oddworld was originally meant to be a series of 5 games that explored the world of Oddworld, each one with the different character but Abe became so much of an over night success that they just ended up sticking with him.

    Underworld had some decent puzzles to solve I though, and looked really good. That was the last one where before they changed Lara Croft from a lady of the manor type character to a young, nubile, teenager, who arguably would still serve as a 15 year old gameboy's ultimate fantasy, albeit in a different way.

    No need to worry about spoilers, I wont be touching any more Lara Croft until they bring back the old skool gameplay.

    I mean, they even have crappy spin off versions with different gameplay, simpler but for some reason not the bloody original. Stupid.
  15. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    So if the feminist perspective is not what it could make a problem for you I feel you are now simply naming everything that could be perceived as bad about this latest development in the franchise (even when it doesn't matter shit) :p
    I thought the main reason why the reboot starts with a younger Lara Croft is because there weren't games/adventures with her at that age earlier. You don't want to raid tombs with a 50 year old Lara Croft (well if it would be ALL about puzzles that wouldn't be an issue I guess) so they went with a prequel kind of setting. Prequels are really popular with rebooting franchises. But if you think it is mainly done to appeal to teenage boys (who just discovered youporn in most cases but ok)...
    I thought the manor (and thus that part of Lara's character) has returned in the latests game btw. Perhaps only in the complete edition. Oh yeah, extra downloadable content they develop and release later and you have to pay extra for, and releasing a complete edition a year later: also abominable (right?)!! ;)
  16. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    I did previously state that I didn't really care what the character was, the important thing is the gameplay.
  17. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Yeps, and I said if that is so what does it matter that she has gone to a 'nubile age' in the latest games. If it doesn't matter to you I feel you are merely putting it like that because you already dislike the game. Not because it is a valid point on itself.
  18. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    I didn't say it mattered all that much, it was merely an observation. As I have already stated several times, and I will again for clarity, it's the gameplay that's important.
  19. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I acknowledged that the first time already but can you please state it some more times.
  20. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    Suck on this bitch

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