Tomato cracks and rotton peppers???

Discussion in 'Gardening' started by Digital Elph, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. Digital Elph

    Digital Elph Member

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    I have two very frustrating problems ( well more really but only two gardening ones) I have regular tomato and cherry tomato plants and they both seem to get splits or cracks in them that reveal the seeds etc inside, and the big tomatoes get these beige cracks as well both are still edible but kind of nasty looking and for the beige cracks -I have to cut them off. These things happen even though the tomatoes aren't over ripe or anything.

    My pepper problem is that the darn things are rotting right on the plant sort of from the inside out and again this occurs well before they are even ripe yet.

    My garden is new and on shitty soil although I am trying to get more organic stuff into by digging in sheep poo.

    anyone have this problem or know what is wrong?


  2. SandalScout

    SandalScout Member

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    I to have had these problems, and have been told that both of them are from inconsistent gardening. I was told to make sure that they get at least 1 inch a week. too little will cause the rotting from the bottom over an extended period (or in my case, soil that drained WAY too fast), and the cracking occurs after they dry a little bit and then get a bunch of water at once.

    I may be mistaken, but that is what I was told.

  3. MetalWarrior

    MetalWarrior Member

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    I've seen splits on Tomatoes in my garden after a dry spell and then a good day of rain. Keeping Tomatoes in a constant moist soil situation by mulching has helped.
    What type of peppers are you having a problem with?
  4. Digital Elph

    Digital Elph Member

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    Yellow peppers and green peppers. Nothing fancy just the kind you buy from Home Depot.

    I did suspect the watering thing. I have funny soil, it seems like clay but drys out like mad. I think it is old and worn out and I am working on building up the organic matter but I live in a city and refuse to buy 20 bags of manure at 3.00 a bag to grow 20.00 worth of veggies so I am doing slowly with compost and a few bags of manure from when I hit the country.


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