Coroners report is out. Fentanyl, oxycodone, acetyl fentanyl and despropionyl fentanyl in his system. Another one taking Fentanyl (horse/ elephant tranquilzer) for crying out loud. Tom Petty died of accidental drug overdose, medical examiner says - CNN
I knew it was an overdose to begin with. He didn't overdose. I have had a brain tumor removed and other surgeries and not once was I allowed to administer my own pain meds. It's ALWAYS Dr. ordered and administered by a nurse or Dr. AND if he really were on that many pain meds do you really think he would be coherant enough to load his own I.V. with there injectable drugs. There is more to this story you watch.
Yes. They say he had a fractured hip that he toured with and it went on to become a full break that was inoperable.
Still doesnt mean you take horse tranquilizers I'm sorry, but I call bullshit on this one Acetyl fentanyl is illegal in the US, and 15 times more powerful than morphine Was the coroner actually being objective?, how the hell can you come up with an accidental overdose diagnosis if he had non prescribed horse tranqulizers in his system?
You can accidentally overdose on heroin, which is illegal. What do you want to do, arrest Tom Petty for the illegal use of drugs?
My husband was on Fentanyl Patches and Fentanyl Lollipops for a short while. He discontinued them because he didn't like feeling that out of it. Our friend's mother died of a Fentanyl Patch overdose. They thought maybe she forgot she had one on and put on two additional ones. They said she wore them on her back and couldn't see them. I'm suspicious of her husband killing her with them.
Fentanyl fucking lollipops? Are you fucking kidding me?.....OMG, yep, they are a real thing Yeah, I think you guys (in the US) seriously need to look at this opioid situation, its not really kind of happening anywhere else Horse traquilizer lollipops, fuck me dead, who the fuck thought that was a good idea, how is that legal. I remember someone tried to bring in chocolate flavoured cigarettes here a decade or so ago, caused a shitstorm. Horse Tranqulizer lollipops ??? Oh my effin gawd
How does one "accidentally" overdose on heroin if you can never reallly be sure what the percentage is or what its cut with
You get the usual stuff from your dealer. Then once in a while some higher grade stuff hits the streets and it's thank you very much and good night. I've seen reports from the police in the media from time to time warning about this happening, often in Glasgow which has a big heroin user base.
The Headline reads Tom Petty's Cause of Death: Accidental Overdose but how do they know he didn’t deliberately OD, apparently the pain he was suffering was unbearable
He was prescribed fentanyl patches which are legal in the US as a prescription C2 drug They shouldn't be prescribed in my opinion for this reason, too east to OD on, but they are
This was 10 years ago. I had just met the daughter of the woman who died. She never pursued it. It was said that her mother died of an accident at her own hands. It wasn't my place to make the accusation. He was a police officer who was accused of kidnapping and raping a prostitute prior to the above mentioned death of his wife. He has since been arrested many times for aggravated assault/sex crimes. He lives very near me now. His latest arrest was in 2012 for: OTHER CRIME Sexual Motivation Aggravated Battery Sexual Motivation FALSE IMPRISONMENT (which involves a victim who is less than 14 yoa, except by parent) Sexual Motivation. He was released in 2014.
Jesus Christ, get your shit straight VG. First of all, there are two drugs, both very distinct from each other. First, there is Fentanyl, which, as Melai stated, is a controlled substance that is used in medical settings (hospitals), as well as outside of medical settings with a prescription. It is an opioid pain killer, which has been used for a long time in the medical field. Carfentanil is a completely different drug. THAT is the elephant tranquilizer you are referring to, and it's being attributed to, along with Fentanyl, a growing number of overdoses, as street-bought heroin is being laced with it. So Fentanyl and Carfentanil are NOT the same drug.
Get my shit straight? I said in the first post he had Fentanyl, acetyl fentanyl and despropionyl fentanyl in his system
So basically, if you were a Tom Petty fan, it was an accidental overdose, totally beyond his control, everyone with a broken hip is likely to OD on horse tranquilizers. If you are not a Tom Petty fan, just another famous junkie making excuses and his family convering up for him