I told some friends that we had sex, as we both lost our virginitoed to each other, it should have been kept private and only to us. I messed up by. It telling her I told people and she had to go throughy phone to find out after I told her I never told anyone. I promised her I would never tell anyone, but I only told my brother and 3 other friends. This happens about a month ago and it's still an issue, I thought it was getting better but she said it hasn't been the same sexually wise, this may very well be the girl I wanna marry and I love her to death, I never meant to disrespect her this way but I lied and I know it's all on me and my fault, but at the same time I feel like we should both be mature enough to move past it as its sex, it's not like no body thought we didn't do it, I'm sure they already thought we did, I just wanna move past this and she said that she never wants to have sex all that often, like we used to do sexual thigs everyday or so now it's lucky if I finger her once a week. I just want to fix this, please help
I'm not saying I want to jut be sexual again. I want to be but I want it to mean somtbing, I want it to mean the same, I want her to know I'm not the same assbole sjes dated before me, I love her and just want her trust back, I never even set out to tell people I just did it while not thinking at all and I feel like a Moron. I just love her
no coming back from this......it is an expensive lesson...... ....she is phasing you out....your one hope is to ignore her.......it only works half the time
Fix it? Bury the past in a graveyard? Why not? Just find the proper tool to dig the hole and shovel it Hmmmm... lying is a violation of mutual trust - how you wanna fix that violation? We have here a saying which goes like: You cannot take back a slap.
He misspelled "virginitoad". She gave her virginitoad to him, and he lost it. Then he told everyone about it. Now she thinks he's a total assbole.
Its all probably the opposite of what you think. She already thinks its not going to last, if she doesnt give you sex enough you will leave her for a girl that will. And you will All about that little voice in the back of your head, I do all this stuff for her, why doesnt she do anything for me?