Toilet Humor On The Simpsons.

Discussion in 'TV' started by Jimbee68, Apr 27, 2024.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    "Now, Homer, I know what you're thinking, and I want to take the pressure off. It doesn't take a, whiz, to see that you're looking out for number one. Well, listen to me, and you'll make a big splash very soon."
    "Ooh! Which way to the bathroom?"
    "Oh, it's the 23rd door on the left."
    "[runs thru house, door to door] Nope. Nope. Nope."
    "[sighs] He wouldn't even hear me out. Find the bathroom all right?"
    "Uh... yeah."

    -Last Exit to Springfield,
    Mr. Burns and Homer Simpson,
    Season 4, Episode 17,
    Original air date: March 11, 1993.

    "Our city will not negotiate with terrorists. Is there a city nearby that will?"
    "No need, sir. We'll find that head case faster than Garfield finds lasagna. Oh. I'm sorry. My— My wife thought that was gangbusters."
    "[they open porta-potty revealing Grampa Simpson] This elevator only goes to the basement. And someone made an awful mess down there."

    -Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming,
    Col. Leslie Hapablap, Private and Grampa Simpson,
    Season 7, Episode 9,
    Original air date: November 26, 1995.

    "Tonight on Eye on Springfield... opening day at the world's first two-story outhouse."
    "[both men wave, and walk into the two levels of the outhouse] Oh, God! Stop!"

    -My Sister, My Sitter,
    Kent Brockman and Man,
    Season 8, Episode 17,
    Original air date: March 2, 1997.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2024

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