What is on your To-Do List for today? Mine is: Swap the summer tires on my subaru for my winter tires Vacuum Laundry online christmas shopping
Get out of bed, shower Lunch date with the hubs Return a few phone calls Happy hour with the guys (I'm usually the only girl) Easy day for me
i've already checked dishes off the list rearrange the living room so the christmas tree doesn't make it feel so crowded sweep, mop, vacuum make a couple of meals with all my leftover turkey and ham and freeze it clean the bathroom ob/gyn appt..really dreading that laundry. mountains of laundry take my dog for a walk create a good mango curry sauce for dinner tonight dance all day to modest mouse with my son. thus far this part of my list has been a success its my day off today and my to do list always looks like this when i'm not working. One day I'm going to take a vacation day and this will be my to do list : make margaritas drink
Stay away from Death's house, to much work going on. Go out to Happy hour with RubySoho6. Swing by Meliai's house when she gets back and have a margarita.
1. My list for today, get up at 4 a.m., (check) 2. Ride my motorbike 15 km to work (at the edge of Khao Luang National Park mountains) fast enough to beat the rainstorm (check), 3. Beat the other teachers to get a parking space under the little cycle shelter (check) 4. get through a day of Thailand king's birthday speeches, dances, games with the kids where they make posters (check) 5. Wait for the pouring rain to slow down enough I can get to my motorbike and get my rainsuit (check) 6. Hike the mountains until dark (check) 7. Make it home in blinding rainstorm although soaked to the skin (check) 8. Drive motorbike through semi-open Muslim market to buy boiled eggs, sliced green papaya, fresh greens, sliced bamboo heart for dinner, stop by a vendor and buy bunch of wild, seeded bananas (check) 9. peel off soaked clothes, carry backpack and food up 4 flights stairs to apartment 10. Kick back and eat while grading online college work for KCTCS. Three portfolios in past two days..yikes, plus a new student this morning.(check) OK, made it through another day in Thailand, and I get the day off tomorrow for the King's birthday, but it's still pouring rain. Roads flooded out last weekend, so dunno.
Couple loads of laundry Chase after 3 toddlers and an infant Bake cookies for my super rad neighbor who cleared the snow off my driveway and sidewalks Change all the bedding on all the beds Sweep, vacuum, and steam clean the floors Re-tape my skates
- Could wash the dishes today - Could shave my beard - Fix some dinner - Get to coffeeshop - Chill with tunes I already took a shower and did some other stuff!
"I hadn't checked a single thing off my list unless I add a nap to it. I'm still in bed." LOL!! Funny, RubySoho6
Nobody buys winter tires in Texas. Best case scenario the roads ice down two days a year and the hole city shuts down. Mine is work and homework.