Today's politics: "Romper Room" Revisited

Discussion in 'Politics' started by GrayGuy57, Jan 19, 2023.

  1. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    I guess it IS true, in some sense..."art" DOES imitate "life".........

    Today's turbulent political climate has sadly degenerated into what I refer to "tabloid mode".

    Nearly every day brings the American people a fresh scandal, a re-hashed scandal, more lies, more deceit, more investigations.

    Realistically, of course, political scandals were/are, indeed, as old as the proverbial hills, nowadays, the situation in Washington has gotten totally out-of-hand.

    Did we ever, in our wildest dreams, ever think of the Capitol being stormed?

    Brawls breaking out on the House floor, among "mature" adults?

    These days, the situation is truly sobering.

    Little cooperation, little respect for the viewpoints of anothers, little sign of any semblence of maturity, on any level.

    "Common ground" between two parties.....and, in some cases, even WITHIN a party........has virtually evaporated like a morning mist.

    Today's highly-volatile political climate has to be, indeed, QUITE difficult for young people to comprehend.

    Which candidate....which party.....can they believe in?

    Who can be relied upon to speak the simple truth?

    Who TRULY has the INTERESTS of the AMERICAN PEOPLE at the top of their agendas?

    These days, IMHO, I think it wise to call yourself an "independent".

    FAR TOO MUCH unsavory doings involving both parties, to my way of thinking.

    Whatever happened to a Government "for the people, of the people, and by the people?"

    Sure eludes my scope of perception.......

    "Live long and prosper"

    scratcho likes this.
  2. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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  3. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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  4. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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  5. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Good thread!
  6. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    In all honesty, it simply boggles my mind as to how our government has become more atkin to an ongoing tabloid story these adult playpen; it truly is sad....and a humiliation to us all.

    Sure, our nation has gone through countless scandals throughout its long history (Watergate, for example)

    Recall, too, the uproar from certain camps when Obama became President......the very idea of an African-American President indeed did not sit well with some narrow-minded damn foolish.

    The past several years, we've been wallowing through the toxic muck-and-mire of political fallout, not only at national level, but also, at state and local levels.

    Recall the classic Judy Collins song, "Send In The Clowns"?

    The way things are going these days, this could very well be our new national anthem.:(

    At the VERY least, our elected officials should "agree to disagree", and debate like mature adults, instead of resorting to childish behavior and bullying.

    I LOVE my country, and it is really sobering to see our great nation becoming more divided than at the time of the Civil War....:(

    "Live long and prosper"

    scratcho likes this.
  7. Twogigahz

    Twogigahz Senior Member

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    And then again, the press rarely reports on the good things that are happening in government....same with the rest of humanity.
    themnax, thepapasmurph and GrayGuy57 like this.
  8. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    I could not agree with you more on this, my friend.

    Common sense would indeed dictate that there IS (somewhere!) at least SOME good news, positive news, uplifting news going on out there that SHOULD be reported, but isn't.

    Frankly, I believe that the media often takes a negative situation and magnifies it, sometimes totally out of proportion, or, simply, makes a bad situation even worse.

    In fact, Coretta Scott King (Martin's widow) once wrote the following:

    ", positive efforts do not make the news; violence builds ratings, so that it was TV looks for. In that sense, television incites, almost promotes, violence, by playing it up so much....."

    "........too, many people, especially younger people, think that, if they do something violent, they will get on the news. They will be noticed. And, that if they get on television, they are important. Television should pay more attention to the quiet efforts which are successful, which builds progress. This would certainly attract the attention of more young people......."

    The late Mrs.King indeed hit the proverbial nail straight on the head, on this issue.......

    "Live long and prosper"
  9. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    They often say:

    "We can agree to disagree".

    Personally, I see no reason WHY politicians (or anyone else, for that matter) cannot disagree with one another and still remain civil.......

    "Live long and prosper"
    scratcho likes this.
  10. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Some of the people decided they would rather have idiots in control.
    themnax, scratcho and GrayGuy57 like this.
  11. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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  12. Twogigahz

    Twogigahz Senior Member

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    We used to say violence sells newspapers.....what's a news paper??
  13. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    When I was still commuting into the city, for many years, virtually every train/subway/bus rider was glued to their newspapers.

    Today, on the news, when the interior of as commuter train is shown, virtually no one is reading a paper; they are all engrossed in their tablets, iPhones, Smartphones, etc.

    Sad to say, while on this topic, social media has, unto itself, become a sizzling hotbed of intolerance on so many levels, including politics.....more fuel to the fire, so to speak......

    "Live long and prosper"
  14. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    Today's politics (especially on a Federal level) are becoming far more undisciplined and bizarre by the day, and it's sobering.

    Santos is a perfect example of just insane and bizarre the political world (and, indeed, the world in general) has become.

    When grossly-overpaid senators and House Speakers are behaving more like a teacher-less classroom full of less-than-civilized, less-than-mature students, you HAVE to stop and say, "C'mon, guy's, let's get real! Act like adults!"

    These days, with the political climate so volatile, it's best to either say you are an independent, with no allegiences to EITHER party, or, somply do not discuss politics, period........

    "Live long and prosper"
  15. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    You cannot help but wonder how our current insane political climate, especially on Capitol Hill, is affecting those aspiring young people who hope to, one day, enter the political world themselves.

    They often say: "our children are our future"

    Think about it.......

    What kind of future can we REALISTICALLY hope for, regarding today's children?

    Certainly hope that today's politically-aspired young people do not emulate the overgrown, immature "children" who are in power today, in so many facets of our government, at all levels......

    "Live long and prosper"
  16. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    In the Lewis Carroll classic, "Alice in Wonderland", we read of Alice's convoluted travels into an insane, topsy-turvy, insane, inane world ere "down is up", "up is down", "right is wrong", and "wrong is right", "left is right" and "right is left".

    Hmmmmmmm....I guess Alice would find herself QUITE at home on Capitol Hill, nowadays.......:confused::p:eek:o_O

    "Live long and prosper"
    scratcho likes this.
  17. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    I can't help this one......

    Given the insane "wonderland" of Capitol Hill politics nowadays, perhaps when the next President is sworn in, he should have his hand resting on a copy of "Alice In Wonderland" (or "Alice Through The Looking Glass") instead of the Good Book........rampant insanity is overtaking us all.....

    "Live long and prosper"
  18. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    From the earliest days of our nation, Democrats and Republicans have been two totally different parties, parties with opposing views, opinions, and beliefs.

    This has......and always true in our country.

    However, the past several years has seen both parties become vicious, rabid enemies, literally fighting each other tooth and nail.

    Decorum and civility have now almost totally been obliterated on Capitol Hill.

    Politics, these days, has become a highly-volatile issue; look at how many friendships and families, literally, have been split asunder, due to so much opposing political views, especially during the last few years.

    What kind of example are we setting for the young people of today?

    I fear it is far from flattering.

    Politics have become more of a circus than Ringling Brothers ever was (at least their performances were supposed to be ENTERTAINING)

    My advice?

    Simply sit back and take it easy.....don't take too much seriously, and be VERY prudent when trusting and believing in someone "in power"; too many times, you will find that your trust has been misdirected..........

    "Live long and prosper"
  19. thepapasmurph

    thepapasmurph Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Politics today have been elevated to sound bites and social media grabs where mindless individuals see something flashy and sparkly, and instead of looking into it and really figuring out what is going on, they accept that flashy headline or sparkly post as the truth. Unfortunately, as much as I hate to admit it, Trump had a point about fake news - it is driven for sales and profit - and the politicians are driven to be in power by having their names well known - unfortunately, we know the names of Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boelbert, Matt Gaetz, Rand Paul and others - and now, of course, Mr George Santos has our attention... Sadly, there are 435 members of Congress and many of them are nameless - many people can't even name their own local representatives - but we all know about Marjorie Taylor Green - who did not serve on one committee because of her brash, embarrassing behavior during the last congress - now she will serve on more powerful positions and lets see what she does -
    Romper Room is a good name for Congress - except that on the real Romper Room everybody got along and the children who were on the show were cycled off after a short period of time - unfortunately, our Congress seems to be the opposite of that - they are not trying to get along and they stick around way too long.
    ~Zen~ likes this.
  20. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    Thanks for sharing your views and thoughts; yes, on 'Romper Room" the [children] DID get along;here in the NYC area, the lovely "Miss Louise" was the teacher.

    Recall, also "Mr. Do Be", and his nemesis, "Mr. Don't Be"........sadly, up on Capitol Hill these days, followewrs of "Mr. Do Be" are few and far between.

    Recall the "Do-Be" song?

    "I always do what's right. I never do anything wrong"?

    Sadly, too many of those in Washington (and elsewhere in politics) seem to take this line to heart.

    Yes, "fake news" is all too common these days; actually, it is more like "tabloid news", sleazier and more demeaning by the day.

    You are right; too many in Congress have LONG overstayed their welcome, and should have disappeared eons ago.

    Don't get me started on that highly-delusional Santos; the guy is PRIME FODDER for the tabloids, and, surely, the lying, conniving $!&&$#! is basking in all the attention he is effect, he is like a spoiled little brat, clamoring for ANY kind of attention.

    If the world today is highly volatile and light-years beyond insane, it is no surprise whatsoever that Capitol Hill is right in sync with the rest of "civilization"..........

    "Live long and prosper"


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