I found this while surfing the web today.20th March has been declared "International Day of Happiness".Strange,because today has been pretty much a bummer for me.The campaign is supposed to champion wellbeing over economics,but personally I think the whole thing sucks...Shouldn't every day be a happy day? I just think it's the United Nations trying to apply sticking plasters to sore wounds.From where will come the real economic and social action to lift millions out of poverty and starvation...Not silly campaigns like this,methinks.The whole thing is so ghey.Maybe I'm being too cynical - What do you think? Here is the link:http://www.dayofhappiness.net/#context
I try to make every day a happy day, then good things happen that make me happy. It's a self reinforcing thing Works the other way too . ..don't let it go that way!
Pretty soon all the flowerts witll be a poppin and smiling to the sky....birds will be chirping again.....cats will want to be out all of the time, and I have to get them all in before dark.....dogs will be muddy. I will have to bath them.....the world will be opening up in full glory once again, after a long winter sleep.
Does seem to be gettin warmer 40's all I need is a hoody if it ain't raining and I'm not gonna be out there "too" long.
I'm with you fairlight. I have a bummer work day. This is no different than Valentine's day in my opinion. We should try to be happy or love people every day. Not just one day because someone says so. The Sun is shining and the weather is great so I'm not going to let one bitch at work ruin my whole day.
My mood and attitude in life started to change yesterday for the better. Just felt a HUGE cloud lifted from me... I know some of the things it has to do with but also I think it was just such a long, cold winter and that is finally starting to seem like it's over...and once again I have things to look forward to (beach in June...baby in Sept or Oct... and it not being so damn cold and being able to go do things outside... go to lakes.. parks...pools...amusement parks, etc., etc., etc.)---neways, yes, this is the first day of SPRING. And if it's international day of happiness too then yes, I am feeling it. Happy, Happy day Everyone!
All I'm saying is...United Nations declares that we are allowed to be 'Happy" for one day a year...and then it's back to misery of crony/anarcho capitalism.Anyway,I am naturally a depressive,it's something familiar to me: "Well you must be wise, Or you could find yourself, Amongst a sea of smiling faces, It's a way I never felt"
Yea, of course it's silly to be told to be happy on one certain day. I just think it's ironic and cool that I happen to be overjoyed today and then find out it's supposed to be a day or happiness. :sunny:
Maybe United Nations is preparing us for all the ensuing poverty to come,like saying "Money doesn't matter,just be happy,because we know you haven't got any credit now,so you must all be Jesus..." p.s. AT - glad you're having a good day.
I want ot be happy every day. Is it possible....? I guess so, if one wakes up and just resolves to be so.
To me happiness is a relative concept.I tend to find it most in engagement,focus and interest.I don't like obligatory feelings,and just seek freedom from actual emotional pain.
Bahaha. Just got done sending you a message about how today sucks then I saw this thread.. well, let's try to make it a happy day then. >.<
Yeah, today is starting to suck. I have to keep fighting it off, though...LOL Pest tech guy was just here....was a nibble in the basement....so a mouse apparently lives there somewhere....Poor thing. Does not stand a chance with my crew of cats.
I spent much of the day grumpy. Some issues rolling around in my brain. I just came in from walking Grace at the cemetery and noticed that some of the daffodils that I planted for Mom last fall are starting to come up. That made me feel a little better. Some days I just have to fake it till I make it.
I usually feel terrible in the mornings,and start to lighten up as the day goes by.By night-time I feel human again.
Me, too. I am a night person by nature.....and in the mornings I am not at my finest....Brother woke me up this morning with a phone call....Ever talk to someone half a sleep? I tried.