It sure is. I'm joking I made that up. In my house most important places to keep clean are bathroom, bed, and kitchen. 4th is inside of driving vehicle. Unless you got motorcycle. :smoking:
i cleaned my toilet yesterday. i like to keep a clean bathroom, but two days in a row is really pushing it. unfortunately, i share the house with a lazy person. so my bedroom is the only place i truly have the power to keep clean. i do a pretty good job keeping up with the bathroom too, just because a dirty bathroom is so fucking awful. the kitchen is a lost cause; every time i clean it, it looks like the inside of a dirty toilet by the next time i go in there anyway. so i just stopped trying with that one.
me and house mate do a good job.. trying to anyways to keep those 3 three things I mentioned clean.. girls come over. people come over, bed, kitchen, bathroom, others parts of the house can be dirty if we get behind... but those first three important. -.-
Gave Mine The Big Clean 2 Days Ago And It Makes Me Very Proud To Say It's So Clean I Could Eat Meals Off It... :toilet: Cheers Glen.
National Clean Your Toilet Day And Still No Post From The Man " rOllingstoned" Who Single Handly Destroys Them With His Overly Active Bowels.... .???? Cheers Glen.
I HATE cleaning my toilet (my bad back doesn't help matters much). So I have a special arrangement w/another dude that lives in my building: clean my toilet until it looks brand new, and I'll buy you a steak dinner at any restaurant you choose. Funny thing is he's totally straight. So when we go out to the restaurant he's chosen for his reward, most people assume we're a couple. Life is totally weird
Just dont cook meatloaf in gravy. I had a grandma that used to cook that, bring it to the table, then slice it up, tasted awesome, but whole it just looked like a giant turd fnarr fnarr
I kind of enjoy cleaning the bathroom and the kitchen. I didn't care much for it before, but now I like to clean. It is very soothing and relaxing, kind of cathartic too. What I hate is ironing.
Bathroom and Kitchen just have to be clean. I am really picky about those two things. Maybe even slightly obsessive.............nah.
BUMP....Pageing Mr rOllingstoned.... Pageing Mr rOllingstoned.... Your Input Is Required In The Toilet Thread, For The Thread To Be Authentic It Has To Include Your Latest Bowel Status... :toilet: Cheers Glen.