My Fave Cartoon Since Forever Is...."Garfield"......Who Could Have Guessed..... What Is Your Fave Cartoon...??? Cheers Glen.
@.....Spaceman......Since You Started Displaying Them I Have Taken To Reading "Calvin & Hobbes"..... Getting To Like Them Actually...... Cheers Glen.
i didn't even see that spiff had listed far side as a second choice. cheers to you on your taste in cartoons.
Jak (Raymond Allen Jackson) who drew the main political cartoons for the London Evening Standard between 1952 and the mid 90s. He Lived near to us in Wimbledon and died in 1997. This one drawn when the army were called in during the ambulance drivers strike was among his funniest He drew a few similar cartoons when the army were used during the fire department strike. One, similar to the above featured them rescuing an old ladies cat from the tree, needless to say with a rifle. In another, while the house was burning to the ground, they were using their hoses to water the plants in the window boxes.
i don't really have one favorite. i can think of a couple of people who draw them and are published. as usual i can't remember most of their names right now. steamfox is good, and steve gallacci. i don't buy papers or watch tv but i remember far side, doonsberry, the little king, some of those. unicorn jelly, going back a ways.
I'm sure I could pull out a book right now! I remember it vividly, my dad used to love them. As a kid I never understood but I must have read maybe twice since growing up and the older I get the more I understand. There was always once frame Iaughed at, I can't remember his name was it Murray? Or was Murray the writer? Anyway from memory, dog was watching his owner help the cows give birth, and dog was applauding the patience of his owner, or maybe not.. Because the last frame was the owner with a real cranky look on his face with his arm all the way in the cow. Lol. I have to find it. It probably isn't even how it goes but similar. Murray Bell is the writer, Wal is the character, I remember now looool. These guys were always up to something.