Given the trend over the last decade, looks like they are going to make a movie out of every damn comic book ever written. Guardians of the galaxy 2, no one read the comic book in the first place, why do we need a sequel. Now there are a whole bunch of nerds pretending they knew who Starlord was before the movie came out
the sad thing is, it's too late to stop it. if all current comic books are destroyed and no more are ever written, they'll just start rebooting every franchise.
For the most part, the movie theater is just a place where true fans go to get disappointed. The movie's target audience is usually not the group of people who have contributed their hard-earned money to a company by purchasing volume after volume, closely following the same story for years, and have made the franchise rich and successful. No, the movie's main target is the mainstream, those who don't give a flying fuck about the original plot or characters, who just happen to enter a movie theater and be in need of some sort of quick entertainment to pass the moment. So you take a nice pretty time-tested box, say Catwoman, fill it up with generic mediocre jokes, soggy plot-lines, and anemic costumes, then label, package, and screen this frankensteinian abortion to the masses under a brand decades in the making, simultaneously killing off old fans and repelling new ones in just 1h 44m.
Someone should collect all the "reboot" directors (especially JJ Abrams) and put them in a sack. Then we could go back to reading the comic books, But today I learned that boredom is the epitome of hell and I really need a life.....till I realized I am fat and lazy with a really good life.
Fruit and vegetables, especially round ones like apples or tomatoes come into being by sucking matter in from alternate parallel dimensions that co-exist along side this one. When you eat an apple, you are actually eating re-enhanced molecules from a parallel universe. This is why fruit tastes nice but meat tastes like death.