Hello! I have been searching everywhere but I can't seem to phrase it right or find the info I am looking for so I thought here would be a great place to ask. I hope to purchase a piece of land with 2 other families in the semi-near future. I was wondering what legal barriers would stop me from co-owning land with other families and turning it to into something self sustainable. Or if I could own it myself if that would work better. Or use the things from the land to sell and make our taxes. How it would work, basically. We plan on rainwater collection, food self reliance, green energy and multiple structures. So no city hookups or roads (unless the lot comes with one). I live in BC and hope to stay unless it is more plausible or extremely cheap comparatively elsewhere. I hate all the legal jargon (stupid game, I don't play well), I don't even know who I would ask about legal boundaries or barriers. Any help or direction would help either from experience or educated shots in the dark. Thanks!
I'd suggest you get a copy of Diana Leafe Christian's book http://www.amazon.com/Creating-Life-Together-Ecovillages-Intentional/dp/0865714711"]Creating a Life Together: Practical Tools to Grow Ecovillages and Intentional Communities It covers all the practical aspects - things like zoning - as well as contracts, agreements, decisions making systems, etc. etc. It is (imho) The Book on the subject.
Logan 5: No I haven't, only in large room mate groups of about 5 or 6 where we all work outside the home. Works well, and I wouldn't want to be self reliant I don't think humans were meant to be that way, really. AlchemistGeorge: Thanks very much, that's great!