Maybe in some circles there's a certain resignation in the face of the reinstallation of Bush and his Party. But don't sit on your asses for a second. Fuck Gonzalez. The last thing we need is another pig attorney general especially one like Gonzalez who doesn't respect human rights has said the Geneva Convention is no longer relevant who condones torture by his actions. It is the duty of every patriotic American citizen to reject this crap and this immorality. Contact email your representatives. Get on it now. And newly elected democrat Ken Salazar of Colorado who plans to vote to confirm Gonzalez can go to hell.
oh, me too: fuck 'em with a splintery broom handle. wow, i posted in a "fuck gonzalez" thread in some hippie forum on the internet. i really feel like i've made a difference now.
fuck that dude, I heard part of the congress confirmation hearings for him and the fucker wouldn't answer the fucking questions. I had to pull over and yell at my radio.