My wife loves to take me to new limits and sensations. Her latest kick is getting to cum, then take me to another orgasm. I've learned to get past the oversensitive issue and really get off on the other dimension of pleasure by Carrying On. Between the strapon , dildos, buttplugs and working my straining cock, I need and ice pack. Does your wife treat you like the slut you want to be. No More Limits opens a lot of new sensations.
Post orgasm my wife used to keep stimulating me, till it drove me crazy. Amazing how you can be over stimulated to the point where you want it to stop.
Getting past that point is like going into Warp Speed.. You just have to Let Loose and Go with it. You want it to stop , but you don't.
@topper just go with it , of she wants to use you, stimulate you and fuck you just enjoy the attention. I can do most things to my wife when it comes to toys etc. I go to great lengths to give her multiple orgasms etc but it's rare she initiates toys on me. It seems they like lay there and be pleased but don't understand a guy can enjoy being stimulated or fucked.
On the contrary, my wife has taken me to levels I never dreamed. She was the one who wanted to put her hard white plastic dildo in my ass. ....50 yrs later she still abused my sorry asshole with realistic dildo or strapon. I love to lay there as she continues to fuck my ass , after my orgasm, even after the second.or third.