To beach or not to beach, Nude, CO, Textile...that is the question.

Discussion in 'Nudism, Naturism' started by Camp Cook, Feb 22, 2020.

  1. Camp Cook

    Camp Cook Members

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    Presumably most here have been to all, but most have not in their home town. How many beaches does your town have? Just one? Ten? Most likely the number is on the low side and invariably, it is a textile setting. If we are all taxpayers, we all have a right to bathe as we like theoretically, but sometimes it steps on others' rights as well. If you have at least 3, it would be ideal - one for each - but, if not, how does everyone get what they want? One beach? Would you alternate one day nude, next CO, next textile, etc, or rotate weeks? If you are lucky enough to have 3, would the nudists be stuck on the remotest one or the one most secluded? How many on a referendum would vote for separate beaches if it would be acceptable? Not everyone will vote for that, but most might vote for nude use if it didn't affect them. Of a 1000 people, how many would say they are nudists? It wouldn't be a majority. Maybe they would want the majority of days allotted (and by vote would be entitled to them), but maybe there could be a compromise. :grinning:
  2. Biggles_Nude!

    Biggles_Nude! Hakuna matata.

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    One perennially popular nude beach 25km south from me, but it is becoming a bit of a niggle to get there, with the once-upon-a-time fast highway run to the town's outskirts and the beach now blighted by no less than 9 sets of traffic lights (!), necessary for servicing the exploding population that is moving north away from the coast toward the state's second biggest city. I think I've made my last drive to the nude beach for this season (our summer finishes next weekend). I think I've just got jack of the drive and the tedium and prefer to jump in the car and go camping to some secluded place for live a clothes-free lifestyle.

    After a sticky and humid night I went to the beach this morning, only to be greeted by a cool southerly, with just 3 hard-core nudists on the sand. Then the sun disappeared, and that cool southerly became decidedly unpleasant! Back to the car park, brew up a Twinings and get dressed for the car wash, then drive home (car wash because the car is coated with thick dust from the appalling gravel/dirt road!

    The town (Torquay, Victoria) also has three sprawling textile beaches, popular with surfers and families and surf schools where grommets are put through their paces. Another nude beach exists some distance further along the road, but unfortunately is blighted by a very steep, winding concrete access path which discourages many people with less than perfect mobility from going down there (I had a fall onto my back here in 2001). Besides which, there is nowhere to put down the towel and Esky because it is an ocean beach with large waves and washes reaching right up to the cliffs (which also tumble down rocks on occasion). So... I'm happy to spend time at textile beaches too, if I feel so inclined, especially if a kiosk exists for a coffee and something to eat -- Speedos are not a problem.

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