Er, man, I am so tired.... I really wish I didn't have some family thing today so I could sleep. I'm just tired and hungover and my eyes wont open properly. Anyone else tired today?
are you making your chicken pot pie today for everyone trish? sorry to hear that you are so tired, i hate days like that.
Yeah, I'm pretty tired. Woke up in the middle of the night from nightmares and couldn't sleep until after 5 am.
nope, shellie, not what im making today. damn, ever since ive been a vegetarian... i get these massive cravings for some of my favs., like that damn chicken pot pie. yummmyyy. thanks for reminding me. amanda, i HAATE nightmares... i get them all the time. they're always very vivid. er, sometimes they put me in a bad/weird mood for a few hours in the morning.
Definitely!! Sometimes it ruins my whole day and I am in a bad mood the entire day until I get some dreamless sleep. :S
yea those first couple hours that it screws up, end up inevertally messing up the whole day in some way or another. hope your day isnt like that today, amanda!
I'm sooo tired, too. I haven't been able to sleep in for 2 weeks and I'm dead tired from all the work and stuff I've had to do!
Somebody from this thread sent me a negative reputation. They said, "Dude, you suck." I want to thank whoever for their input. I was afraid there wouldn't be any variety in my reputation. Thanks again. Love ya.
I am not paranoid or anything, but someone is following me around and giving me bad ratings everywhere I post. This upsets me giganticly.
luckily if people arent members if they give you a reputation point it doesnt count until they become a member, or at least i think. i jut know i wont ever give a bad reputation point.
I couldn't care less what people think of me. I guess I would be paranoid if everyone liked me. I'm not that tired, I'm happy that I don't have to cook tonight. My mom decided that she wanted to go out to eat tonight.
Well I'm tired as hell and STILL hungover from last night.....argh. Went to see my hubbie play last night and we didn't get home 'til after 3am. Oh and I don't usually get hangovers 'cause I pace myself, but last night it kinda snuck up on me. I HATE when that happens olhippie- I'll throw ya a positive rp to make up for that negative