I just thought....I am damn tired of guys going "I'm straight but I still like to suck dick or want to suck dick,etc". Okay....let me spell this out....if you want to or do suck dick and you are a guy then you are NOT 100 percent straight OK? I am beginning to think we are all basically bisexual to one degree or another....with a small percentage at the extremes of either exclusively hetro or homo. Just my two!
I have no desire whatsoever to suck a guy's dick or have my dick sucked by another man, so I would have to disagree that we're all bisexual, even to a degree. More than likely a guy that wants to have his dick sucked by another guy is indeed gay but afraid to admit it.
i'm not streight, i'm hetro. streight implies a bunch of crap i'm not into and lumps it together with the question of what turns you on and what doesn't.
Thank you, yes we know, we’re sexual beings with an insatiable urge and an uncontrollable appetite to fornicate, masturbate, and procreate Hotwater
I've really thought it through, I've imagined what it must be like to be gay, and I've come to the conclusion that it's definitely not something I want. So am I 100% straight or a little bit gay for even considering what it must be like to be gay? I think a lot of guys have problems because we're unwilling to admit that the thought has even occurred to us. Because we simultaneously know it's something we don't want. I never saw anyone say they weren't gay but wanted to suck dick before I came to this place. I find it really annoying too, because I feel like it's sort of pressuring guys who really don't want to suck dick to become cool with sucking dick. Like, "You're straight, but it's cool to suck my dick. Suck my dick." Men.
I am tired of hearing everyone has a little gay in them here. Speak for yourself and stop trying to make yourself feel better about speaking for everyone else. I never heard so much gay talk in my life since i have been here. A man's penis is a organ muscles that reacts to stimulus....anyone can touch it...and bong it goes.....reflex...does not make that person gay.....With females, a little more emotion must be involved, at least with me, it does...i don't respond just like that.....maybe other females do. I don't know....If someone claims to be straight,...that is what they are and stop trying to force your life style on them..
and I have loved females before...very much....just not sexually.....that is not love anyway. that is sex.....but boy, can i love when I do....male or female....nothing to do with sex.
No not everyone is secretly bi sexual.I'm sick of hearing that too tbh.I know I am 100% straight.I have never had the inclination to be with another woman,Are some gay guys 100% gay?Even if they say they are?because I've known 4 gay guys who apparently are 100% gay but have hit on me?Explain that one?
i'm tired of the inane notion that if you are repelled and disgusted by the aggressiveness of so called masculinity, that somehow this is supposed to mean you would want to crawl into bed with it. never could figure out what the hell kind of sense that was supposed to make. nothing against what anyone else want's to climb into bed with though. to each their own and i'm damd if i can see how that's any of anyone else's business but their own either. and christerism be damd too if it has a problem with that, or some people think it does, or any other religion that does either. and you know what else is strange, strange to the popularity of that assumption? none of the gay people i know, are as anti-aggressiveness as i am. and you know what else? the most millitant and the most ani-gay politicians, are the very one's who most often turn out to have a gay lover on the side? if you want to talk about "whats up with?" i mean i'm totally like what IS up with THAT? well compromise IS how democracy works, although a lot of people don't seem to understand that, well i never did when i was young, so maybe wanting a career in politics, like wanting to be popular in general, somehow teaches or breeds hypocracy.
Errrr, girls saying stuff like that, its just as annoying and kind of the same thing. I need an emotional connection blah blah blah, then 20 minutes later they are making jokes about the vibrator Its kind of the same thing, the guys saying oh, i want to do this, but it doesnt make me such and such.....the girls, well not really admitting to anything, but taking great pains to make sure they dont come off sounding as piggy as the guys are, or as much as a slave to their bits as the guys are Then comes the second part of what I quoted there, "maybe other females do, I dont know," a very important point.....you literally have NO idea. You'll spend most of your life thinking you do, thinking every other girl thinks like you do. All guys are at least dependant on the visual in some way, whether that be boobs or lady bits or some hunky guys abs...whereas you girls, 95% of you might be the same. That remaining 5% divided into two main categories, the ones that arent dependant on any one or anything, dont even need the vibrator, just walking will do it, dont even understand themselves what gets them horny - strange concept to the rest of us. Then that second category, where the primary sex organ is the optic nerve. Just stare them in the eye for 20 seconds, and that will make them shudder, I know you have no idea what I m talking about there, if you are not one of them, you as a girl will go your whole life never seeing that head on. Even if it happens right in front of your face, you'll just see it side on, and you'll just assume shes really into that guy, shaking because she is nervous, because thats the very most thats happened to you Things like this are the real reason its all bullshit, theres no such thing as a guy thats multi orgasmic without anyone touching them, theres only one way to make a guy multi orgasmic, most of them dont want to know the answer ( nudge nudge wink wink). Whereas as you girls, there is always that tiny percentage that dont even need anyone to touch them, the rest of you by comparison....well never enough gas in the tank so to speak, to begin with Back to the guys and the Im not straight but thing, most of the time really its more about sexism than homophobia, being the girl or someones bitch as it were is what they are more paranoid about. You girls especially never see how the guys really act when there are no girls around. A bunch of guys, one ,especially little, gay guy in the mix, and it will be a bunch of jokes about if it gets cold enough, or take him camping because there wont be any girls around....but as soon as one girl gets within earshot, then it all changes to the cromag thing, and they are all puffing up saying things like, oh that sounds so gay etc. And its irrelevant if they are actually interested in that girl, because they all assume anyway you gals all talk to each other about every damn thing. Male or female, more "normal" as it were, more like the majority, theres a whole bunch of stuff in this area you just never get to see. Ive never had a problem with straight guys, the straighter they are the easier they are to get along with, Problems have always come from bi guys, which also you never see, might be brave enough to come out online, but in real life they are all sneaky and deceptive, none of their friends and family have a clue If my wife pegs me with a strapon, will that make me gay?, thats not what they are really worried about, they are worried it will take away their manhood, emasculate them, loose interest in fucking for being fucked, just that they wont say it out loud that way, even to themselves
where ones penis goes is not the sole indicator of being gay..... i'm guessing here because i have no gay experience...but i think if a trans dude was pretty enough and wanted to blow me i could be tempted.......but i am not sticking my dick into hank the fat gay plumbers pie hole any time soon.......having said that......kissing and cuddling and intimate tings other than sex is,i believe, a better indicator of being gay....wanting to be wit someone of the same sex, falling in love....etc;;;;;so you can suck a dudes dick...can you also cuddle with the guy and lay with your head on his lap....gay people just arent about sex lol the dudes in the diddler section here at hipforums are not a good cross section of humanity and must be regarded as so
Sorry, dude, i never owned a vibrator or any other kind of sex toy...and I have never been a cat in heat.
where one's penis/vj goes, is the SOLE definition of gender preference. anything else being called gender bent is a total load of horse shit.
I hate being asked what my sexual orientation is, and I hate telling others what their sexual orientation is.
I agree with everything, except the part about women needing emotional attachment. I'm not trying to attack you like VG did. It's just in my experience I can have sex without the connection. That is one of the reasons I have had issues with my sexuality, amongst other reasons. And don't like talking about sex, in the personal sense, not general sense... unless I'm in company I'll keep.
Good for you! We are not carbon copies of each other....aoabai....isn't that wonderful...different strokes for different folks. and don't judge me, VG, by what other girls do, either.
i said ''gay''...not ''preference''.........preference suggests there is a back up choice..... also....people can be confused...it is allowed....lighten up people