I have anxiety and I need to go to the doctor to get something to help with that. But i want it to be something good, ya know? How is the best way to explain my anxiety to get a good prescription?
You have been having panic attacks and have the fear of having more panic attacks. You almost went to the hospital the first time you got a bad one...heart racing so fast, sweaty, convinced you were having a heart attack.... they have been coming more and more frequently and you're having a more and more difficult time functioning, not sleeping right, etc.
Yeah, that's a good one. Also something like responses to stressful situations that are way beyond what another person would feel in a similar situation, a constantly high resting heart rate, or feeling anxious for no reason whatsoever. In fact, that's the situation I was in. At one point my resting heart rate was over 130. They started me on Oxazepam though. It was years before I was prescribed Xanax. Now this is just my opinion, but I don't think it's such a good idea to ask for a specific drug. The doctor might think you just want to get high. So lead him to it with a description of your symptoms, and let him make the decision. Don't be surprised if he starts you out on something milder. If he does, give it some time and then go back in and tell him that it's not working very well. That might do it.
this is a long shot but after my mom kept getting ssris she just strait up asked our dr for xamax and got it. she volunteered to be monitored too tho. as i said its a long shot cuz drs are more inclined to believe clean.cut adults over "young punks" (no offense)
Can you SWEAT on command? Have heart palps whenever? Sweaty hands? Ever had a major panic attack? tops for anxiety. Stuff like that is usually a sign you are anxious. moving all around, fidgety, tapping fingers, ORRRRRRRR Just tell the Dr. = I am anxious as hell man. About what? Tell him what. If you just wanna have a good time, then hit up someone - it's much easier and if you go in and he suspects 'drug seeking'? That will go in your file. you don't want that. There's really nothing you can say and bodily responses are hard to start up if they ain't there. It's hard to fake = they see lots of anxious people. And, if you say "Well, my friend just died." That is an EVENT, a one-time event. Once a couple of weeks go, so does the RX. But, if you must - just act mad at the world. and cuss a lot. That might do it. No guarantees.