How do you get together with a guy for the first time? I read all these stories on the forums and it's made to sound so easy.But what advise would you give to a newcomer who is really curious?
I've met people in chat rooms, on Reddit and on Grindr. You just have to put yourself out there, but, be safe and don't share personal info to strangers.
For me it works better if I get to know a guy a little by chatting with him on line. I also like to meet for a coffee or a beer with no expectations First to see if we are compatible. All of this to gain a comfort level before we get naked together.
remain levelheaded, first of all... don't let yourself get carried away with the excitement of meeting someone for the sole purpose of sex... but, after you've tested the person a little - and sorted through the BS and the vibes that give you a sense something is not right - then, set it up. There are a lot of people out there who are looking for the same thing you're curious about. If they are willing, it might be best to meet someone in a public place. It all depends on what you are looking for and how you want to go about it. If you have questions, I'm sure there are folks here who can help.
When I suggested this to 3 online guys who initiated contact with me, they all flaked and went silent. I continue to be a 'curious first timer'...
this is not an uncommon thing. There are so many reasons why a guy who initiates contact and then goes silent - too numerous to mention - the important thing to know is that it is probably not anything to do with you.