Tips for cleaning a bubbler?

Discussion in 'Show Your Piece' started by The Caterpillar, Sep 7, 2005.

  1. The Caterpillar

    The Caterpillar Member

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    Seems like it will be a little hard to get all that water filled with shit out... any good tips or links to sites with some good info?

    By the way, my new bubbler Casey Jr. is one of the best pieces I've smoked out of yet.
  2. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    so far this is the only way ill clean my shit,there no left over oder or cleaning chemicals or anytihng,jus buy a pint of grain 190proof alcohol and fill a bowl up and put your pipe in it,you can even scrape the pot after and get some hash,best part is its 100% natural and no worrying about chemicals
  3. EnterTheFarside

    EnterTheFarside the cats pajamas

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    FIXXXER Member

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    Hey, I'm new here. I wanted a venue to show off what seattle has to offer the community here. Anyway, in relation to your bubbler cleaning, I have two double bubbles and a triple. The trick is this: rise through with warm water once or twice to get loose debris out. Fill the first chamber 1/3 to 1/2 with at least 90% isopropyl (i've tried 70 and it doesn't work as well). Then, add a substantial amount of salt. The salt will break stuff off the glass when friction is added. So all you do, cover the openings, and shake the piece. If it gets really dirty right away, rinse and repeat. Otherwise, pour the salt and isopropyl (rubbing alcohol btw) into the next chamber and shake. Then rinse with warm water. Now i was experimenting to find a way to get that "clean bong" taste out. Cuz clean bong doesn't taste just tastes like warm 99 percent alcohol and salt. So I use orange listerine. It's discrete, yet covers up the rest. You take a pull and have no hint of orange, or isopropyl. And I use safeway brand isopropyl and mouthwash, so it is very cheap. You should rinse a small bubbler before every two uses, at minimum. However, you only need alcohol, salt and listerine every two or three days. You'll be impressed to see what the salt and alcohol can do together. Don't skimp on this...salt doesn't work by itself, warm water won't work, cold water won't work, even plain alcohol won't work, you need the salt too.
  5. a_fiend

    a_fiend Member

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    easiest way to clean a glass bong is to fill it a quarter way with metho,then put a couple handfuls of rice in, shake for 10 sec and it will be as good as new.
  6. TopNotchStoner

    TopNotchStoner Georgia Homegrown

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    The easiest way is the way deadonceagain said. Just let it soak in some alcohol(grain or iso) and let the alcohol evaporate. When it evaporates the bowl/bubbler will be clean and you will have iso hash that you can scrape up and smoke.
  7. Drakk420

    Drakk420 Member

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    Ummm..... Hello people, Alcohol Dissolves Delta-9 THC so all that "Hash" you're getting is really just tar and shit, some other cannibinols may be left but I'm pretty sure that alcohol dissolves most anything you'd WANT to smoke. Chew on a used cigarette filter instead, its probably better for your health.
  8. deathtripp

    deathtripp Member

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    I prefer the grain, but not every state sells it. I know pa doesnt...but jersey does.
  9. TopNotchStoner

    TopNotchStoner Georgia Homegrown

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    Nah, it works pretty good actually. Alcohol doesn't "dissolve" the THC. The THC just stays in it until it is evaporated. After the alcohol is evaporated, the resin is left and has been termed by many a stoner as "iso hash". But you're right, it's not really hash, it's just resin. It's just called iso hash by.........well, everyone.

    FIXXXER Member

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    I personally scrape all of my pieces completely every day. It's the best way to keep your piece looking good and it is always really easy to do. I guess you could use grain alcohol, although my state doesn't sell it. I would advise against soaking for two reasons. 1. Takes too fucking long. 2. No where near cost efficient. I can make a dollar bottle of iso last me 10 cleanings. If you soak it, a small piece would run through an 8 dollar bottle of grain alcohol in maybe 4 cleanings. Also, just take 5 minutes instead of soaking it over night and shit for your parents to find, just rinse, and reuse.
  11. PokeSmot

    PokeSmot Member

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    they sell the cleaner at the store that gets em real clean, or you can fill a pot with water and get em real clean for cheap...but its gonna stink a little bit when you boil it

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