Timothy Leary's ties to the Military and CIA

Discussion in 'Conspiracy' started by Eleven, Jun 16, 2014.

  1. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    Do you all think hippie culture was deliberately steered by right wing forces in such a way that potential activists were led to not engage in political action?

    Drop out.
    be apolitical
    chase Utopia

  2. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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  3. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    I think humans are deliberately fucked in the head, on purpose, to keep them spinning the wheels of politics and war, on purpose.

    From "The Washington Times", the page is so busy that it fractures and splits one's attention, causing distraction and lack of focus. The result is a diminished level of comprehension. Some people think "attention deficit" is a BRAIN disease. I think it's a consequence of mental abuse; bombardment.

    See how they managed to get 'sexiest' right in the middle of what you're reading?
  4. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    close but not exactly. fact is, L.S.D. WAS developed for and by the military. (there was even an article in popular mechanics or mechanics illustrated, i forget which, about its intended use and how it might end conventional warfare, some time in the i950s that i remember reading myself, somewhere around the tender age of 11 or 12. (i was born in 1948))

    dr tim was head of the american psychiatric association, i forget the actual name, until he was replaced by dr maslow.

    these two things as simple, well documented and well known historical facts. as for the mutual warpings and pervertings of competing political causes, those are the gordian knot beyond all unravelling.

    i'm not sure where or what is supposed to be a "conspiracy" in any of that.

    i know that one of the reasons dr tim got replaced by dr maslow, was his perhaps over enthusiastic promotion of civilian use of neurotropic substances. it may even have been suggested that dr tim's own judgment may have been somewhat impaired by their consumption.
  5. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    Don't have to be that way. Only stupid people believe everything they read.
  6. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    And they quickly lost interest in when they saw it was not a useful weapon. MK Ultra is well documented but the fact that it is illegal is proof to me that they realized it would do the opposite, allow people to move beyond the war culture. Our government is aligned with a ancient race from mars that relies on war. There are other races and other paths that forsake that. This is not what the elite want. If LSD did what they wanted it to it would be pushed like Xanax on the TV. "Ask your doctor about LSD".

    The idea that the hippie culture was orchestrated in order to make people drop out of society is ridiculous. It made people far too involved for that. Of course they tried to (and possibly did) compromise key people in the movement such as Timothy Leary. But that would have been done because they saw the power for change in it. The 60's were the only time when a massive group of people really showed the potential to leave empty materialism and war behind. They were on to the idea of there being something more. A whole generation of youth who might not fall for it, the most dangerous thing there is. That is why it is trivialized today as a bunch of kids getting high. It is a perfect example of history being written by the winner. There was the potential for so much more. You misunderstand it if you think it was only kids smoking pot and dropping acid.
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  7. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    LSD was created by Albert Hoffman, a Swiss chemist looking for a medicine which would have stimulating properties while not causing uterine contractions.

    The military didn't use LSD until about a decade after the discovery of LSD's psychedelic effects and their intended purposes had little to nothing to do with how the hippies used LSD.

    In response to the op, I don't think the hippie movement was steered by the establishment sans some media commodifying hippie ideals. The society itself was going through a turbulent time and there was much dissension among all different types of groups and even within groups.

    I'm not sure what you mean by 'be apolotical,' the hippie movement or those closely associated with them were probably more political oriented for various causes then at any other point in the 20th century. There were groups protesting the Vietnam War, racial and sexual discrimination, environmental causes, etc.
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  8. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    good things to know. i furst herd about it in an article in popular science sometime in the late 50s or early 60s.
    i agree the whole 'hippie movement' was about real politics of real people. whoever said it wasn't wasn't me.
    i did, and will continue to say though, that real politics isn't about ideology. any ideology.
    ideologies only exist to manufacture consent, which is what corporate media was attempting to do in the popular mind, by attempting to depict the higher moral ground of populist movements, as ignorant and unwashed.
    of course it backfired on (the corporate, called establishment at the time, mindset), and we all owe a debt of gratitude that it did.
  9. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    I do believe the hippy movement and 60s drug culture was a product of the CIA. The evidence points to Leary being a possible CIA agent, or at the very least a witting tool of the agency. The intelligence agencies use people they call change agents to move society in a desired direction by changing the way people think. Now some people may see the hippy movement as a positive thing, and I agree there are many positive aspects to the hippy subculture. However, it would appear that the 60s were the start of the chaos and dysfunction we see today in society. A lot of new age ideas were introduced around this time which seem to be a precursor to reshaping people's world views as we enter the Aquarian age.

    Gloria Steinem, another change agent, also has ties to the CIA.
  10. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    MKUltra was the code name for the CIA's program of mind control which lasted from the early fifties to 1973. Some of the substances investigated were LSD, cocaine, and marijuana which were administered to volunteers and unknowing subjects, often illegally in violation of the Nuremberg Code. They also investigated a so called "stupid bush and "information bush".

    All of this was done in secret supposedly to combat the communist's attack on Koren War prisoners and similar Soviet attempts. The CIA was looking for a "Truth Serum."

    LSD was introduced in the West by Dr. Matt Rinkel of Harvard in 1950 by testing it on one hundred volunteers.
    Also in 1950 The CIA contacted Dr. Nick Bercel of LA to see what would happen if the Russians spiked a public water supply with LSD. It was found that chlorine neutralized it, so the CIA developed a type that would not be effected by chlorine.

    The CIA continued to experiment including double, triple, and quadruple doses and sustained 75 day "trips".

    Additionally the Army was conducting its own research at a number of U.S., European, and Pacific bases. (You have seen "Men who Stare Goats?)

    Meanwhile, down on the farm, Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) was also getting involved with mescaline and unknowingly became involved with some of the same scientist who were working with the CIA. He came into contact with a Captain Al Hubbard who introduced him to LSD. Here is where it gets really interesting.....Hubbard came up with the idea that LSD could be used to influence the belief systems of world leaders to further the cause for world peace. Supposedly he was involved with sessions with various world leaders, U.N. representatives, and members of the British Parliament. Hubbard spent a couple hundred thousand dollars of his own money to distribute free doses to one and all becoming known as the "Johnny Appleseed of LSD."

    Some of those include Huxley, Gerald Heard, Alan Watts, Perry Bivens, Sidney Cohen, and so on. Additionally Hubbard worked with the FBI, and the OSS, but supposedly refused to deal with the CIA.

    Eventually (the 1950s) LSD reached Hollywood and was used in therapy by individuals such as Cary Grant. Allen Ginsberg took some at the Mental Research Institute at Palo Alto in 1959 without knowing that one of the staff had conducted LSD experiments for the U.S. Navy in the early 50's.

    ...it just goes on and on and involves Ken Kesey's volunteering for MKUltra experiments, and G.Godon Liddy's raid on Millbrook, a mansion owned by Peggy Mellon Hitchcock and her brother Charles Mellon Hitchcock. Both of the Pittsburgh Andrew Mellon ultra rich family. They had taken in Leary after their experiments with LSD.

    Anyway all this can be found in Acid Dreams, The complete History of LSD: The CIA, The Sixties, and Beyond, by Martin A. Lee and Bruce Shlain. I can't recommend this book enough, extremely interesting.
  11. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    They tried to steer the hippie movement like they try to steer every other worthwhile one. How much they succeeded, I wouldn't know.

    Discredit, but at the same time, make them seem threatening and like something that must be opposed. Cave, but cave in half measures, so that the whole measure being sought by the movement is forever beyond reach - you get a half measure, you are discredited, and if you say anything you're talked down to and told you already got what you wanted and you're just a fringe nutjob who took too much acid.

    When you accomplish nothing, they make it sound like you accomplished something, so that people don't take you seriously when you make demands, and will resent you for your greed and insatiability. When you accomplish something, they make it sound like you accomplished nothing, to prevent momentium and hope from building or spreading beyond the isolated movement.
  12. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Leary is a complicated figure, busted for a small amount of marijuana he was placed in solitary confinement for 5 weeks and then given a virtual life sentence due to compounded consecutive penalties. In 1970 he escaped went into hiding and wrote "Shoot to Live". He then donned a disguise and flew to Paris, then Algiers to join Eldridge Cleaver and the Black Panthers. The Panthers had been infiltrated by the FBI who instigated a riff between Cleaver and Leary. The Panthers imposed a "house arrest" of Leary, at gunpoint, and it took $25,000 for Tim to be released.
    At this point a Newsweek stringer introduced him to a "liberal CIA" Algerian bureaucrat who arraigned his passage to Switzerland where he hoped to get political asylum. He spend 6 weeks in a Swiss jail then spent time in a luxury penthouse owned by Michel Hauchard who had arraigned for his release from jail for half of the proceeds from a forthcoming Leary book.

    At 50 years old a passport less Leary received $250,000 in advance for his book, gave half to Hauchard, caught his wife cheating on him and divorced her and went on the lam with Joanna Smith, the daughter of a British aristocrat. Meanwhile he had been denied asylum three times and he took off for Austria deeming Switzerland unsafe. Back in the states the FBI, CIA, BNDD, IRS, Customs, and the State Department were closing in.

    They took off for Ceylon, stopping in Afghanistan on the way. Kabul was full of CIA agents who soon apprehended the couple and deported Leary to LA. Leary's bail was set at $5,000,000 and he was convicted of his prison escape and given an additional 5 years to the twenty he was serving at the time of his escape. He was sent to Folsom prison then Vacaville. Here he found out that Joanna was in reality a double or triple agent.

    He cracked in 1974 and was grilled by the FBI leading to accusations that he he had sold out many of his former friends. Chaos reigned and the government lowered the hammer on a number of individuals leading to more arrests and exposures.

    He was paroled in 1976 after secret CIA acid tests were revealed that made Leary's role seem mild by comparison. He was busted again in 1979 but only legal drugs were found.
    A few years later he went on tour with G. Gordon Liddy doing mock debates illustrating their former views.

    He went on to promote space travel, the internet, and virtual reality and associated with the likes of Robert Anton Wilson, William Gibson, and others.
    He died of prostrate cancer in 1996.

    Oliver Stone should make a movie about his life.
  13. cactusmann

    cactusmann Member

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    Timothy Leary wanted to dose the water supply in america with acid.Grace Slick and Abbie Hoffman wanted to dose Richard Nixon when they were invited to the white house.Imagine how much the world would be different if that happened

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