I looked it up on Google and it turns out that on Lassie, Timmy never once fell down a well! We've all been duped! What does this mean?!
Actually I thought Lassie was always played by a male dog. This article seems to back that up if it is accurate. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/looking-back-on-lassie/
I swear I saw an episode where Timmy was trapped in a well. I used to watch a lot of Lassie. I think you're going to want to watch every episode of every season in order to confirm or deny what I have said here. Relax, folks, Timmy did indeed fall down the well.
No! It has been debunked! https://www.woot.com/blog/post/the-debunker-how-often-did-lassie-have-to-rescue-timmy-from-a-well
Most people I've known who've had Collies as pets say they're very shy and timid dogs that don't live up to the bravery of the Lassie character.
Exactly, I just looked it up and the show lasted on network TV for 20 years During those 20 years Timmy must have fallen down the well at least once, or at the very least lost his balance while retrieving water nearly plummeting to his death. Hotwater
lots of people used to fall into them all the time, back when open ones were fairly common. that must have been more then a hundred years ago (in the u.s.) by now. but i'm sure there are parts of the world that still have and depend on them.
Actually he doesn't fall into a well in this episode....someone wants to buy water rights on the farm.
i had a half collie when i was little. i don't particularly remember if he was shy or brave or what, although i do remember that he was just a super well-behaved dog and a great companion for a little kid. then he got a skin disease when he got old, and smelled unbelievably terrible. it was a shame; i still wanted to pet him and all but it had to be followed by a vigorous hand-washing every time.
I thought you was asking.. Oolollolo... Ive probably seen every Leave it to Beaver.. Its on everyday before I leave for work., Lassie is only on to early I think .. Its not my favorite. reminds me of The Waltons for some reason. Neighbor had come Collies like Lassie, even a dog named Lassie, I think they was just chill dogs.