Timeless Forgotten Truth

Discussion in 'Poetry' started by Wu Li Heron, Aug 2, 2016.

  1. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    Timeless Forgotten Truth
    Lagging behind, nevertheless, I always catch up with my future,
    Putting the future way behind me rediscovering myself!
    Upon remembering, once again, to remember to forget!
    Remembering if I forget, I can possess better rhythm!
    Remembering oranges never need a reason to rhyme!
    That forever making sense never made much sense!
    There's no rhyme in reason nor reason in rhyming!
    Being ever forgetful what it means to remember!
    Upon forgetting to remember, I'm never myself!
    Discover myself putting the future behind me!
    Just forgetting I was ever looking for myself!
    Putting the future behind I discover myself!
    Just embracing who I am, and desire to be!
    Effortlessly smiling, with my entire body!
    Simply accepting, I'm not somebody else!
    Wonder, is the beginning of all wisdom!
    Knowing that I merely know nothing!
    Knowing, that I don't know nothing;
    Knowing its OK to be the idiot I am,
    So that, me, myself, and I can laugh,
    All the harder, and thus more gently!
    But the One silent voice within the sparkling void;
    Nonetheless remains both the loudest and purest!
    Yet also the softest and the gentlest of them all!
    Silently declaring the One Victory of the void!
    Silently reminding all of who we wish to be!
    Our collective ignorant wisdom and virtue,
    Singing its myriad praises, and gratitude;
    Mama is the embodiment of every voice,
    For all share in a miracle to believe in!
    Multiplicity inside singular infinity,
    The lights, might not always be on,
    Still, there's nobody home but us chickens!
    Our one source of any happiness,
    In sharing it, with one another.
    Our one true glimmer, of hope,
    In mama's warm loving arms,
    Abides, in one another's love.
    Transcends all of space-time,
    Simultaneously manifesting!
    All that might never be seen!
    Knowing you know nothing!
    One forgotten timeless truth!
    Time after time, before times!
    Resides merely in the context!
    Resides, in the juxtapositions!
    Or just any frame of reference!
    Or just our differences in scale!
    Or any recognized distinctions!
    Time dilation changes oblivion!
    Indeterminacy, changing times!
    Changing times, Indeterminate!
    Oblivion transforms space-time!
    Spaceytime, is forever changing!
    Its constantly, metamorphosing!
    Changing, never doing anything!
    Having nothing, that may move!
    Nothing, may stand still forever!
    Nowhere, whatsoever to even go!
    Nothing, still nowhere anywhere!
    Nothing to do, with any nothing!
    Our present, isn't the same again!
    The future's been lost in the past!
    The present, now somewhere else!
    The present is whenever it can be!
    The past now lost, someplace else!
    Time's upsidedown and insideout!
    Time's been warped all over again!
    The future will now have to wait!
    The past, is all too soon forgotten!
    Hesitant to wait, to procrastinate!
    When the present, no longer exists!
    When the future, becomes a maybe!
    When time, becomes an abstraction!
    Losing track of time, we can lose it!
    Losing track of time we all waste it!
    Nobody is sure where our time went!
    Where even the orderly looks random,
    When the future is becoming the past;
    Where everything seems, to be random,
    The future so vivid the past never was!
    Exchanging places sometimes sideways!
    Exchanging address and phone numbers,
    Never quite sure where up and down are,
    Never sure, if you actually want to know!
    Which is all very fine, unless you want tea!
    Trippy tautological tea time, in Wonderland!
    Lagging behind, nevertheless, I always catch up with my future!
    Time being merely of course one of the countless faces of god,
    Which simple minded mortals can never fully comprehend.
    Egos all ranting and raving, in a mere three dimensions,
    Supplying the cornucopia of life and all the good things,
    Requiring familiarity with fuzzier indeterminate bullshit,
    Including, a few mathematicians, with really great rhythm!
    Wannabe comedians who make you blow milk out your nose!
    Academics all struggle, just to comprehend lowbrow slapstick!
    Another timeless forgotten truth, about time after time to come,
    Comprehending all spaceytime is as much an art as it is a science,
    Complimenting the singularity's insistence on all remaining silent.
    Hence, all Wu Li Masters originate within the Socratic tradition,
    Mastering the humor of the toddler, Groucho Marx and chickens;
    Contextually mastering any vagueness of the really bullshit logic!
    Cartoon Logic yet so simple any five year old would understand!
    Cartoon logic without any of the extremely boring metaphysics!
    Cartoon logic, with fuzzy Indeterminate metaethical bullshit!
    Classic stepping stones to creating ever greater works of art!
    Dating back to when people first gathered around the fire!
    Since the time before time humanity has always insisted;
    The wisest among us, are all the most ancient children!
    The wisest all act, like the most overgrown children!
    Those without judgment possess a gentle laughter,
    The sparkling laughter of one triumphant truth;
    We can always recognize for what is missing,
    Sowing more confidence in all our laughter,
    Embracing the lack, of personal judgments,
    We become, as truly beautiful outside as in.
    We become the child of God, we already are,
    It is the priceless gift, of the pearl of wisdom,
    It is the great gift, of laughing without shame,
    It is the source, of any laughter being infectious,
    It is why all our jokes seldom have to make sense!
    Encouraging all, to allow ourselves to be agnostic!
    Encouraging us, to embrace our personal ignorance!
    Encouraging most to suspend any strong judgments!
    Encouraging gravity, to become a source of lightness.
    Nurturing our faith by first embracing our ignorance,
    Attentive, to how we actually feel right this moment!
    Attentive to who we really want to be in the moment!
    Attentive within, we might become attentive without!
    Attentive, to who we desire to be with at this moment,
    Attentive to all those around us our hearts keep giving.
    Attentive to what all feel deep down, in our own heart,
    Attentive to the stronger feelings of everyone around us.
    Attentive, to how great it might feel to laugh once again!
    Sharing laughter with ourselves as much as, anyone else;
    Sharing, whatever we have to share with the whole world.
    A delightful moondance, between diaphanous moonbeams!
    To our own silent music, none else may appreciate the same!
    To our poetry in motion that doesn't have to rhyme or reason,
    To our sparkling laughter spreading delight everywhere we go,
    Forgetting all about whoever we happen to think we really are,
    While, gliding gracefully into the light abiding between the stars,
    Time after time, within the timeless forgotten truth of our moment!

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