"time to put up or shut up" -OR- ?

Discussion in 'Christianity' started by Francisco, Aug 20, 2005.

  1. Francisco

    Francisco Member

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    one "christian" challenged the other "christian's".......

    "ok you christian's, time to put up or shut up"!

    another "christian" war!

    let's see, the last body count revealed that well over xx million people
    were murdered in the name of "jesus" ;-(((((( and Truth? well as
    prophecied "Truth lies dead in their streets" ;-((((((

    and they wonder why "The Way of Truth is evil spoken of".......

    very "christian"! and the one who posted the "put up or shut up"?

    well here's the response made to one who challenged his doctrine.......

    you see as usual "christian's" just change a word here, and a word there,
    add a little, take a little, or ignore this and that, and they do so to establish
    their own religious systematic doctrinal theo'ry'logy ;-((((((

    and so "chiristianity" changed Messiah to "christ" and then gave their
    "god" "christ" the imagined name of "jesus", and now the one who could
    not "put up" has decided that his religion would better be served by
    " put up or i will "ignore you"" ;-((((((

    and so i respond:

    ignored because you are but a "christian" who has been "shut up".......
    and so it's time for you to end your delusionary thread.......period.......
    for delusion is "the way" of the religious ones ;-((((((

    however, while there is breath(spirit) there is hope!

    hope there would be those who "see" that those who abuse and misuse
    the words in the testimonies are but pagan "christian" clones.......period.......

    those who truly "see" will "set their affections upon heavenly things" and
    they, as The Messiah did, will desire above all else:

    "Father, not my will, But THY Will Be Done"!

    simply, such a desire is "The Way to The Truth of The Life".......

    peace, even as wars(spiritual and carnal) rage....... francis
  2. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    For the last time, Franco-- I am NOT a "Christian"

    I do not follow any "Christs". I am an atheist to the highest degree.

    You were ignored yesterday because YOU FAILED THE CHALLENGE and kept on mumbling over and over about stupid ass bullshit that nobody gives a rat's ass about...
  3. Francisco

    Francisco Member

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    you're "braindirtyed" to the utmost ;-((((((

    you, just as the "christian's" do, just change a word here, and a word there,
    add a little, take a little, or ignore this and that, and you do so to establish
    your own religious systematic doctrinal theo'ry'logy ;-((((((

    and as "chiristianity" changed Messiah to "christ" and then gave their
    "god" "christ" the imagined name of "jesus", you also have decided that
    "put up" needed to go because your religion would better be served by
    " put up or i will "ignore you"" ;-((((((

    and so i respond:

    "ignore you" needs be because you are but a "christian" who has been
    "shut up".......and so it's time for you to end your delusionary postings
    and end the thread.......period.......

    for delusion is "the way" of religion's, "the way" of "christianity" ;-((((((

    "not a christian" you say, you are so deluded you don't even "know" what
    you are.......period....... you are a "christian"! you abuse and misuse the
    words in "christianities" "bible" just as they do.......period....... and you are
    a pagan indeed, the product of pagan "catholicism" and her harlot pagan
    "christian" daughters.......period.......

    however, while there is breath(spirit) there is hope!

    hope there would be those who "see" that those who abuse and misuse
    the words in the testimonies are but pagan "christian" clones.......period.......

    those who truly "see" will "set their affections upon heavenly things" and
    they, as The Messiah did, will desire above all else:

    "Father, not my will, But THY Will Be Done"!

    simply, such a desire is "The Way to The Truth of The Life".......
  4. Francisco

    Francisco Member

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    thankfully i am "losing my mind", for i but desire the "mind of The Messiah"!

    and you are a friend of "jesus" indeed.......period.......

    for you, as he is, are nothing more than the byproduct of a wasteful,
    wicked world, and it's systems of religion....... sad for you ;-((((((

    "braindirtyed" to the utmost;-( and yet, while there is breath there is hope!

    hope for all the "braindirtyed" for one day a bit of The Light that is The
    Messiah just might shine upon their hardened heart and begin to break thru
    the wall of resistance they constructed in their war against The Truth.......

    there are those who then just might "see" the confusion of delusion that is
    this world and it's systems of religion....... they just might "see" that they
    are but slaves, held captive as they serve "time" in the prison that is this world ;-((((((

    those who truly "see" will "set their affections upon heavenly things" and
    they, as The Messiah did, will desire above all else:

    "Father, not my will, But THY Will Be Done"!

    simply, such a desire is "The Way to The Truth of The Life".......
  5. ryupower

    ryupower NO capcom included

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    It's interesting that Francisco was the first to react to that thread. :D

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