To be honest I find 98% of internet porn to be pretty disgusting in 2023, its like for decades now they kept making it more and more shocking and extreme doesn't anyone have loving close sex anymore? But my question is has anyone in their entire history of sex ever had a women completely naked but with high heels on in bed doing any sex stuff? Lets do sex with shoes on? The world is pretty diverse these days but its my belief that despite the people who make porn constantly insist on adding high heels to what ever scene they are making in real life it has to be very very very rare that anyone would do sex with shoes on.
To answer your question: YES my wife has worn heels (and only heels) sometimes when we’ve had sex. And NO - I do not think that porn should ever get rid of them. To me, high heels are one of the sexiest things ever invented for women to wear. I’ve enjoyed seeing women in porn wearing heels since the 80’s, and I totally love it whenever a past GF or my wife would wear heels (anytime, not just during sex). My favorite heels are pointed toe pumps, at least 4” heels. Most any color will do. And I do love the platform pumps with super high heels too. So ladies please keep wearing your heels, most of us guys love it!
Too many guys like high heels, at the expense of women's health. High heels are grotesque, dangerous, and cause damage to feet. (Check out female celebrities who've been wearing the things for most of their career, if you don't believe me.) They're similar to foot-binding in 10th century China, which was considered aesthetically attractive, but which crippled the woman. Negative effects caused by regular wearing of high heels can include: lower back pain, sore calves, foot pain, increased chance of ankle sprains, awkward spinal curvature, constricted blood vessels in the feet, crooked feet (hammer toe is one of the most dangerous side effects.), weakens ligaments, knee pain, and hyperextension in toes. High heels are (IMHO) one of the most degrading things that women have been convinced to wear. Guys, if you really love your lady, don't encourage her to wear something that can cause permanent foot damage, just for the sake of your stimulation.
This invites some humour: How about the woman wearing muddy construction / rubber boots and a reflective vest
Funnily enough my wife reminded me about this topic yesterday when we were taking about a long ago stay in posh hotel room with a big chaise lounge. She said that she had sent me to fetch a bottle of champagne from the car and that when I returned she was stretched out on the chaise lounge completely nude except for her high heel shoes. That isn’t quite the way I remember the incident. I thought we were expecting room service. She seemed to be acting like she was intending to let the hotel staff see her naked. If that was the case, she chickened out at the last minute. Maybe, she was just teasing me. I can’t ever remember ever having sex with her still wearing the heels. It’s not something we ever thought of doing. I am sure she’d have been happy to oblige if asked nicely. Usually, the shoes are the first thing that comes off. Nevertheless, one of the most exciting things I’ve ever witnessed was seeing her strut about on a photographic set wearing absolutely nothing but her high heels. She’d taken multiple pairs in different colours to the studio. I didn’t feel that it was at all degrading for her. No one asked her to wear the heels. It was entirely her own choice and she said she felt more comfortable that way. Although the shoes weren’t visible in most of the photos, they definitely helped her adopt interesting poses. The photographer preferred her shape seated on a high stool, but she felt more confident standing upright in a more dominant pose on her heels. She wears heels less these days because she’s carrying a bit more weight which she says makes them uncomfortable. I think she’d love to be able to wear them again.
I find heels very sexy, I just love the look of girls wearing high heels. Long beautiful legs, sexy arched feet, pretty painted toe nails. Love it. We haven't done it in a while but I love it when my girl wears them. We even have a special pair she wears just for the bedroom. They look amazing on her.