What time of the day does everyone here meditate? Is it really neccessary to get up at sunrise to have an effective meditation program?
Absolutely not! It depends on you, where you are in your life, and what mood you're in. Do it when it feels right for you. Normally I do it in the morning, a while before bed, or around lunch, it's effective for whatever time of day it might be, in helping me wake up, in getting on with the day, and closing out the day!
NAMASTE I understand the morning is the best.But setting a time at first that works best for you is the best time.
It doesn't matter. That said, morning works for many for a couple main reasons, like, they are rested and ready to be both awake and not sleepy, and the thoughts of the day haven't started. Also the finest pranas in nature start at 4:00 am whereever you are. They are called paraprakriti or the transcendent nature. But all this aside, you must do what is best for you. Some feel the need to get up and go and can't relax until their day is done. So whatever works best IS best.