Time Fourth Dimension?

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by Jimbee68, Jun 12, 2019.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    Is time the fourth dimension? I mean, have we reached a consensus on this fact yet?

    I know Einstein's theory of relativity claims it is, or so I've heard. But the theory of relativity has largely been superseded by the quantum theory, hasn't it? And what does the quantum theory have to say on the matter?

    I am by no means a scientist. HS physics is as far as my knowledge goes. But I still think it is a relevant question.

  2. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Relativity has turned out to share the same mathematics as thermodynamics, and staring at the night sky can be compared to watching a pot of water boil. It also suggests a perfect clock is impossible and contains the glaring Simultaneity Paradox, all indicating it requires a quantum mechanical expression. For its part, quantum mechanics would make Zeno go cross-eyed, with all the leading theories today including yin-yang push-pull dynamics. Even whether you consider time to be passing or not, can be considered context dependent. The latest evidence includes the Golden Ratio turning out to express a multidimensional equation, indicating the principle of identity is vanishing down the nearest rabbit hole or toilet of your preference. What is space and what is time becomes context dependent, and a "Time Crystal" can substitute time for missing geometry.

    Time is never what you think it is, until that time comes round again, because that's life in a singularity and half of life never made any humanly comprehensible sense to begin with. However, that means you can manipulate time in roughly 430 ways, which is related to my work. Time has been measured as flowing backwards on macroscopic scales as well, and the issue is related to AI and quantum computing, and how efficient anything can become. An easy way to conceptualize it, but is a gross oversimplification, is to think of the future as eliminating any metaphysical and conceptual extremes, with the result being gravity and the forces of nature. Light moves at the same speed in a vacuum, while massive bodies appear to move slower than light individually, and collectively faster than light depending on the specific context, because everything expresses particle-wave duality.

    Notably, the best mathematicians in the world can barely conceptualize what the simplest four dimensional objects look like, expressing the contextual vagueness of a wave-like property, while two dimensional object are much easier to conceptualize, but the mathematics indicate clearly can't support consciousness as we know it, expressing the particle-like perspective.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2019

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