really, pretty much anything is debatable. but yeah, lode's right. if you see me as small and quick, i'll debate the fuck out of your opinion.
Einstein discovered that an observer is not impartial but also a participant. Measurement is relative. I tell the girls that as well.
perceived and reality is a false equivalence. we do not perceive reality at all. neither however, does our not perceiving it, cause it to not exist. what we do perceive are the measurable effects reality has, on mechanical devices not subject to whim or ego. entropy is also objectively observable. the units with which we measure time, are of course completely arbitrary. but as long as we use consistent units, they won't tell us false. governing our lives by these 'chronometers' that do not in any way actually meter chron's, is of course a culturally chosen option.
this is of course absolutely correct. symbolic value; i.e. currency, is another such fantasy construct, with even less tangible basis. size, well now that's a slightly different matter. units of length, mass and so on, are to some degree arbitrary also, but the existence of tangible standards, makes physical measurements tangible as well. unlike the mythical chron, physical standards for inches, meters, grams, ounces and so on, do actually exist. there's even a physical standard for spherical roundness.
id add colour and taste to the mix theres no proof that your green is my green and maybe i dont like onions because my brain doesnt taste onions the way your brain tastes onions