Tight Fit

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by Pilaludere, Aug 31, 2005.

  1. Pilaludere

    Pilaludere Member

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    Could a guy could be too big for a girl that it could hurt to have intercourse, even if the girl isn't a virgin, or would it probably something else causing pain, and thoughts on KY
  2. mynameiskc

    mynameiskc way to go noogs!

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    yes, it would take a long time and lots of lube to get the damned thing in, and for some women it just won't ever fit comfortably.
  3. wiggy

    wiggy Bitch

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    yeah it hurts like hell when you are small down there, but if you find a small bloke its easier. but yeah lots of lube and time and it might work. ohh and relaxing/changing position
  4. RetroGroove_Grrl

    RetroGroove_Grrl I'm a big girl now

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    Um, well heres my advice. I have had this problem and its freaking embarrassing, so dont make a huge deal about it or the girl might get offended... upset and feel like shes crap.

    yo just gotta be patient, slow, gentle and then when shes used to feeling you inside she'll relax and you will fit. If you start thrusting right away sjhe'll prolly tense up and push you out
  5. ihmurria

    ihmurria fini

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    go slow, lots of lube, and finger her a bunch first to try and loosen her up a little. Tease her lots, get her into the mood so she's nearly begging you for it, then try it out. Some positions accentuate how big you are and can cause some pain.... while doggy's my fav position, it doesn't work when the guy is huge. Girl on top can be good because she can control how fast you two are going, provided you don't grab onto her hips and thrust hard and fast from beneath her (unless she wants you to)
  6. Bella_Donna

    Bella_Donna *Femme Fatale*

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    I have this problem... My boy has this enormous wang and more often than not, it hurts to have sex. But after a li'l foreplay and some time, generally, things start to feel much better. I recomend talking about it.
  7. sweetval

    sweetval Member

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    I'm going with a guy right now who is big, long AND real thick, so it's a tight fit. We don't need more then my natural lube and he enters real slow and gentle and strats off with shallow strokes. Then it seems I just adapt and he can start fast and deep and it's great.

    Actually, the biggest problem is oral. My jaw muscles are stretched to the max and I can't take him as deep as I (and he ;) ) would like.
  8. mynameiskc

    mynameiskc way to go noogs!

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    and some women don't have very long vaginal canals, or whatever you call it. you may never be able to get it all the way in, because they're just not built that way. my ex was really long and he could cripple me sometimes if he got too carried away. i'd endure hours of agonizing pain in the region that made my cramping seem like a picnic.
  9. APinkBunnyRabbit

    APinkBunnyRabbit Member

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    I mean no offense when I ask this, but why would you have hours of consecutive painful (not the good kind) sex? Obviously you cared about him, but if he couldn't figure out to do it in a way that didn't hurt you, well...
  10. Pilaludere

    Pilaludere Member

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    Yea we've talked about it alot, probably too much. I know she really wants to make it work, we haven't tried the KY yet, just natural lube seems fine to me but she says it is still painful after awhile and I try to go as slow as I can at first. I dont' want her to stop enjoying sex. My thickness more than my length is the problem I believe. I think i just need to not be the aggressor for some time and let her come to me, like you said make her want it. Thats always a hard one though, being a guy I always want it, and she always looks so good to me. But Sex and love are two differnt things, and since I love her I'll have to put the sex on the side for a minute and try hard to hold off.
  11. mynameiskc

    mynameiskc way to go noogs!

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    no no. he was usually very gentle, but sometimes he's get carried away, it happens, and then afterwards i would be in pain for hours. sorry if i wasn't clear.
  12. Weeble

    Weeble Member

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    I had sex (or should say tried) with a guy who was 8 inches long and very thick. He never fit in when he was fully hard and only when he was semi hard.. We never tried lube, as I'm sure there would be less of a problem with that.. with me, if a guy is too long he'll be hitting my cervix and that hurts like hell. I have what is called a tipped uterus so my birth canal is shorter then people with a normal positioned uterus.

    I've also found out that riding a guy with a big dick hurts too much. Yes, I'd have control but wouldn't be able to sit all the way down on him. I won't date a guy with a dick bigger then 8 inches because of this. Neither of us would ever be satisfied sexually and would cause too many problems in the relationship.
  13. mynameiskc

    mynameiskc way to go noogs!

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    exactly!! my cervix is so inverted that they couldn't check for dilation when i was having my baby. doesn't matter, i ended up not dilating anyway. i can't do doggy-style with someone too long. a good 6" is perfect.
  14. Weeble

    Weeble Member

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    6 inches is perfect for me too. A guy I've been messing around with is prolly about 6.5 inches and he says he thinks it's a bit too small. I've tried telling him that it's perfect and gorgeous and he thinks I'm just being nice.
  15. mynameiskc

    mynameiskc way to go noogs!

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    they always do. my dave wants a cock he can bang on the tire of his truck when he gets out to pee. i dont' know what they hell he wants to do with it...i guess the men and donkey lovers would be into it...
  16. Weeble

    Weeble Member

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    That right there would scare the hell out of me.. I'd run far, far away if a guy could do that with his cock.
  17. mynameiskc

    mynameiskc way to go noogs!

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    seriously, though, i don't want to revisit the pain, so i just avoid it.

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