Dr. Yvonka De Ridder, a clinical sexologist in Tampa, FL, is seeking individuals who have participated in a sexual threesome and would like to participate in an interview for her upcoming eBook. Dr. Yvonka would like to gain insight into the experiences, interests, and sexual benefits of a threesome within the context of relationships. Whether they have the potential to bring a couple closer together or break them apart. Dr. Yvonka would like to explore the sexual and interpersonal benefits of sharing this experience with your loved one, partner, husband/wife, or just a friend. Participants are welcome to remain anonymous. Dr. Yvonka will have a list of general questions to ask about the experience, which can be responded to in person, by phone, by skype, or by email. Depending on your interview and experience, as a participant your input could be featured in the book with your permission. Those interested can contact Dr. Yvonka at threesomebook@lovinglifetherapy.com or sign up on our website and we will contact you. Dr. Yvonka De Ridder believes that everyone can and should take the reigns of their life and steer themselves toward a happier, more fulfilled future.
Well, here it is, three months later. I just finished my phone interview with one of Dr. De Ridder's associates (a doc in his own right.) It lasted a hour and was fairly free form. After introductions, he started with a couple of questions, which led into me recounting, in detail, the six-month long threesome that my wife and I had with a close male friend, back in 1985. I described it from how it began (my idea) to how it ended (my instigation), and everything in between. He'd stop me occasionally for elaboration or clarification on some points, but that didn't happen very often. After I finished, he asked a few follow-up questions on areas that happened be covered (or perhaps touched on but not covered in enough detail.) After that, we just chatted for a few minutes, then he thanked me for my participation and the call ended. All in all, it was a very nice experience and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I can't wait for the book to come out, just to see what everyone else has contributed.