it seams to me that most three-somes consist of 2 girls and one guy. my man is ok with 2 girls. but he won't have another guy with us. or if he does. he doesn't want to touch or be touched by him. does anyone else have the same issue?
i would feel uncomfortable with another girl at first but i think i could warm up , but another dude probably isnt goin to happen
Some dudes are just selfish & want 2 girls to 1 man. But hey, why should the guys have all the fun? I'd love to be with 2 guys at the same time, what a great time that would be!
do you think that guys are selfish or scared? you find many hetero women willing to be with another woman, but not many hetero men will be with another guy
They may be selfish or scared. If I’m single I wouldn’t mind a F/F/M 3sum but I wouldn’t like a M/M/f sum because for me one mans enofe. I would never consider a 3sum if I was in a relationship....any more - it always ends up bad.
2 men is kind of intimidating for some women, though...especially if they both focus all the attention on her cuz they wont touch each other
I wouldn't find it intimidating to have two guys focus on me, I find it very erotic. Haven't done it yet, but it's one of my most common fantasies... I think why ffm threesomes are more common than mmf has a lot to do with sexual prefernce acceptability in society. It's a lot more normal and ok for a girl to fool around with another girl than it is for a guy to experiment with another guy without being labelled homosexual or bisexual (not that anything's wrong with either)
it's not about selfish-ness. Straight dudes find other dudes repulsive, straight women still find other women attractive.
I just posted in the kinky board without reading here first. It is like Ki Raven said. I don't know if it's an issue or if I'm selfish or scared. I don't know. It's only been my first time. Who knows? Maybe next time I'll be involved in an orgy. Have you ever been in one? I haven't. By choice, I 'll choose 1 on 1 normal, natural sex. But if the opportunity come up...
Ain't nothing better then having a guy at both ends at the same time. I'm bi and have a steady g/f but no boyfriend. She and I both do foursomes her. me and 2 guys. It's a turn on to watch each other with the guys and also to being doing oral on her while the guy is fucking me or reciving oral while he's fucking her. First time out there was a twinge of jealousy but no more.....
well one thing about M/M/F is that.. one reason is cause men are very hairy naturally more than women naturally.
Yes, I agree with him. It seems to me that the way girls grow up, they find it easier to be close to other girls than guys find it to be close with other guys. You know, how girls do each others' hair, and go to the bathroom together when they're out, and do each others' nails... A straight girl is a lot more okay with the thought of being intimate with another girl, it seems, than the average guy is about the thought of being with another guy. Two girls who are good friends will often kiss each other, and sometimes on a dare or at a party, for laughs, will deep kiss each other, but guys would never do that, or you're talking about guys who have a semi-gay or bi thing going on. -Jeffrey
Shit, speaking of jealousy, I'm jealous of you getting to do all that! Sounds like a freaky fun, wantonly sexual time, actually! Of course, turning it into reality, for me, would involve active fears and worries about catching diseases and stuff, and after it was over that would preoccupy my mind and I'd get no peace. (That's happened before, and thankfully I haven't had any diseases, but I know what the worrying is like, and no thanks!) So chances are even if the opportunity presented itself, I'd decline it. -Jeffrey
This can be a fun thing for everyone involved if it just happens, but isnt exactly something you can get most people to agree too ahead of time. But if the scene is right and the female makes the first move, I doubt most guys would turn down the chance. As for why the guys dont do more together, some are already pushing their limits by being in a threesome to begin with!
I'm a strait guy,and Ive participated in a few m/m/f 3somes.i dont see what the big deal is.if your secure with yourself,there shouldnt be a problem
you are all inballanced indivuals with sereous problems in relationships. and i wouldnot be surprised that you may have been born a sick twisted and plainly fucked up screwed up person