Hey I was just wondering if anyone has a copy of the threads for heads...book? I tried to get one but she is no longer selling them. I was just wondering if anyone would mind making me a copy and I would pay the cost for the printing and mailing of the book. Thanks. Misha.
Is she permnently not selling the book or just for now. The last time I looked at her web site it said she would not be selling it because she was moving but she would offer it again after she got moved. I have the book but would not want to undercut the author if she will be selling it again soon. I'll see what I can find out. For the second poster, it is a sort of instruction book on how to make hippie type clothes. Kathi
I just checked her web site. It still says she will offer it again soon. If she doesn't offer it in month or so check back with me. I just don't want to deprive the author of her rightful share. Kathi
I wish that girl would put her email address on her site~ I sent her a money order for a book while she was selling them and I still haven't received it and haven't heard anything from her. I don't have any way of getting in touch with her & it make things a heck of a lot easier if she'd put some way of contacting her on her site. Plus I don't know how to go about getting my money back from the money order if she didn't get it... Well if any of you folks know how to get in touch with Lauren lemme know
You're welcome, Dolphin! Also, her e-mail is patchymama@hotmail.com for anyone who needs to get a hold of her.
I have a different address for the "Threads for Heads". playdoh@avana.net Am not sure which one would be more useful. I'm also looking for the book, but am unwilling to pay the prices on e-bay. Would be willing to buy or trade for the book. Have a peaceful day. SP
I really think that the patchymama@hotmail is the correct address, and honestly Lauren has put togehter such an awesome book that supporting her by buying the book directly off her site (which I believe as of the 11th of August, she's selling again) Getting the book off ebay is going to cost you a lot more, and Lauren doesn't see any of that money. I would make you a copy of mine but I just moved and not all of my things have arrived yet. Best of luck! You might try the barter board at happyhippie.com They are always trading for that book on there.
the one on her website as of today is wrong!!! i bought the book today with a diffrent e mail addy laurenaclay@Hotmail.com is right http://www.geocities.com/poohdoh/book.html
I have been waiting so long to order this book!! I forgot to check and see if it was back in print for a while, and was so excited to learn from this thread that it is! I placed my order today through patchymama@hotmail, so I hope it goes through...I will keep you guys updated... Did anyone see this copy up for auction on Ebay a few months ago? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=6915618014&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT
i got this book about 2 years ago, and it is such a helpful book. It'd right next to my sewing machine and I always am looking at it to helpful hints and tips. She did a realy good job and I would reccoment it to any beginner!!! And the little drawings she does make it so much easier to understand the thing's that sound complicate just by reading. I love it!! Thank you Lauren!
I'm committing the most grievous of internet rules and replying to a post from...TWENTY years ago (I can barely bring myself to type that). So, after I've ducked all of the rotten vegetables that are going to be tossed at me...does ANYONE still have a copy of this book? I loved this book back in the heyday of patchwork in the scene and got to thinking about it. I've long since lost my copy (or loaned it out and never got it back). I'd love to have a copy again, but of course, it's been 20 years and obviously, it's not for sale anywhere anymore. Anyone?!