About one in five pregnancies worldwide end in abortion which equates to between 42-46 million babies a year what do you think? Good? Bad? population control? irresponsible? murder? special circumstances? God? Good thing you were not aborted, cause you would not be here.
If the number is really that high or even close to it that shows me one thing off the top of my head. That despite all the instances of special circumstances-mother's health, the baby having a huge problem, and other special circumstances..... that there is a lot of irresponsibility in the world. Meaning a lot of people who don't wanna be bothered with birth control or responsibility afterwards.
Why do you like to discuss things that have already been discussed to death? This "discussion" will go nowhere.. it will just separate people on the forum. I don't think this is really a random thought, more of a hidden agenda, there's probably a better specified forum to post something like this.
I very much know my thoughts on abortion and have discussed it before. My thoughts on this really aren't any of your business though.
I think it up to the woman and her partner, if he is involved.. I believe in freedom of choice...which is different than believing in abortion. My personal choices are my own...and I believe everyone should have that free choice to make their personal choices, also.
I saw this the other day: "No woman wants an abortion like she wants an ice cream cone or a Porsche. She wants an abortion like an animal caught in a trap wants to gnaw off its own leg. " I think this sums up my views on the subject pretty well. I could not bring myself to get an abortion, but I don't think life is inherently sacred/good and I can't justify forcing others to believe that it is.
Just the way you worded the thread title shows your bias. Most fair-minded people would have said "fetuses".
In any case, my original point is that if it is true that 20% of all pregnancies worldwide end in abortion, that is a very high number and doesn't need to be that high. It's pretty sad actually cause pregnancy can be avoided if not wanted. My personal stance is I would not have an abortion but I know there are some circumstances and situations where people decide that is their best option and it's not up to me or anyone else to judge. However, regardless of my personal stance (paragraph 2), if that statistic in the OP is true, 20% of all pregnancies is still way too high a number. One of the other things that tells me is that there are certain groups/demographics of people that birth control should be more readily available for.
I think abortion is less of a tragedy than kids born to parents who are completely inadequately equipped emotionally, mentally, and financially for parenthood. I recently read about a baby whose parents left him sitting in his car seat for 8 days without food or drink while they played video games. The baby died because a bacteria in his fecal matter ate through his skin. That's a fucking tragedy, I hear about shit like that all the time and it breaks my heart and it makes me want to cuddle and love every neglected child out there. I think maybe those parents should have considered abortion and I also think anti abortionists would spend their time more productively worrying about the children who are already here.