I had been reading Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound and considering what I had read in Agrippa's De Occulta Philosophia ... and what I had read in the first pages of Genesis Earth Water Fire Air these elements are the fundamental basis for all things in heaven and earth. plants, animals, stones, metals... it is even possible to resolve the modern periodic table into these elements also the varied functions of our biological systems and much more so but I've just finished reading the First Book Of Moses and could not help but to consider the similiarities that it shares with the story of Prometheus. rather the fall of Man than the story of Joseph. the serpent beguiled Eve to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and Eve, like a thoughtful wife should, shared with Adam. God came into the garden and banished the two orchard thieves "And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever:" Gen 3:23 Zeus created man in the Golden Age (like unto Eden?) and Epimetheus was charged with giving the creatures of earth their virtues according unto their kind. when lastly he came to Man he had been at a sore loss. his brother Prometheus went up to heaven and stole the fire of Zeus. Zeus was displeased and had Prometheus chained to a boulder to have his liver pecked out by an eagle for eternity. each day his liver would regenerate so as to be pecked again. here is the equation of Prometheus and Lucifer but upon turning to Agrippa we find that "Fire, as saith Dionysius, in all things, and through all things, comes and goes away bright; it is in all things bright, and at the same time occult and unknown. When it is by itself (no other matter coming to it, in which it should manifest its proper action) it is boundless and invisible, of itself sufficient for every action that is proper to it, movable, yielding itself after a manner to all things that come next to it, renewing, guarding Nature, enlightening, not comprehended by lights that are veiled over, clear, parted, leaping back, bending upwards, quick in motion, high, always raising motions, comprehending another, not comprehended itself, not standing in need of another, secretly increasing of itself, and manifesting its greatness to things that receive it; Active, Powerful, Invisibly present in all things at once; it will not be affronted or opposed, but as it were in a way of revenge, it will reduce, on a sudden, things into obedience to itself; incomprehensible, impalpable, not lessened, most rich in all dispensations of itself. Fire, as saith Pliny, is the boundless and mischievous part of the nature of things, it being a question whether it destroys or produceth most things. Fire itself is one, and penetrates through all things, as say the Pythagoreans, also spread abroad in the Heavens, and shining: but in the infernal place straitened, dark and tormenting; in the mid way it partakes of both. Fire, therefore, in itself is one, but in that which receives it, manifold; and in differing subjects it is distributed in a different manner, as Cleanthes witnesseth in Cicero." Fire is that which gives vitality to all living organisms as well as Fire is the source of Man's inner light or intelligence thus the Fire that Prometheus brought to Man in the fennel stalk had made man to "become as one of us, to know good and evil:" just as the fruit had done the like to Adam & Eve. the seed yields fruit of its own kind just as Fire is "of itself sufficient for every action that is proper to it" and so we have become like God. we create & we destroy. we have impressed order upon nature and we create not simply by the instinctual process but from an intellectual process. i await any amendments and am open to criticism
I understand the experience of the Fire so bright , but not at all the expression 'we have become like God' . To become like God seems sentimental nonsense in a philosophy of feeling . 'Becoming' is common feeling and with a sense of direction . One direction would be toward experiencing the Fire . An awareness of more existence than the story has told may result . And that walking in peace , softly on the earth , will prove to have been a useful teaching . To become like God ? This is intellectually self-devised . It is lonesome . It can be reasoned by a meth-head . ? Do you know this song : Earth my body Water my blood Air my breath , and Fire my spirit
personally i prefer the other three. granted it represents technology in a way and i love that too. when combined with earth that is. the only problem is that it also represents war, anger and violent conflict, (fire does. technology doesn't have to have anything else to do with it otherwise though) which to me seem an illogical embarrassment. likewise water when combined with earth represents life. air of course is pure thought, which is where i most often dwell. there is a part of ourselves that is already like a god, in as much as it is self aware, it even is our self awareness, while being neither physical nor imaginary. just as is the software/applications, that run on any computer. fire is a tool, but for the most part an external one, other then to the physical form, whose function is to sustain the physical brain on which the operating system called mind is running. i suppose one could but a non-physical context to it, though i've never entirely understood any real need to do so.
Themnax has experienced Fire only in one physical context and is not adventurous . He may seem unaware the state of being a bean because he won't comment on such observations . Hmm...
my meaning was not that we are better than god, or other the other creatures that live with us. but that, in consciousness, we have the prerequisite conditions necessary to attain the heighths of God. but you say that "to be come like God" is intellectually self devised. perhaps so because one would have to experience God outside of their body & mind to arrive any ways close to experiencing God. this is presupposing God as a being separate from and, at the same time, inseparably united to all things. the Creation stories that I've read seem to imply that Man is foremost among God's animal creation. perhaps this isn't so... and it is natural to idealise the self as some kind of superior being. to not cause a rift between body & mind through ego aspirations, and false ideas of having superiority. in all things that have the vitality of life is the Fire. and I suppose that one becoming is always doing so rather than having attained ground and keeping still. to see the bee as it disrupts the flowers head and provides the pollen from stamen to pistil to wend I did not know of this but l understand it is beautiful as I said it to myself while in bed helped to still the thoughts in my head
Omnis creatura del mundi. Love is a river that winds, the currents and the water flows. Pedhammock. They come by the river.
I don't know why it should be the nature of human to employ self-idealizing language . To whom is human speaking ?
I thought we were speaking of Fire ? Occasionally I long for it and ask it appear . This is not of willfulness nor command . Sometimes I get an anxiety that is lonesome for reality . It's physical appearance is a small bright light and is in space and is of kindness . There is nothing much to say , not a whole lot to think about . 'Tis a bit of wonder .
This description of Fire is in accord with my experience . I've always called it the Faerie spark . It acts with intelligence - it may be kind , or playful ... even impish . It has language , and this is expressed with geometry as danced in the air . Speculatively , I would relate this language to that of crop circles . It may enter , coming and going . It may enter a human . It may enter butterflies . I wonder if it enters computers ? I hope so .