This NEW Generation...

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by rlbewick, Sep 25, 2020.

  1. rlbewick

    rlbewick Newbie

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    I have no idea, kids are getting stupider, but I have found the reason...
    ZenKarma likes this.
  2. Boozercruiser

    Boozercruiser Kenny Lifetime Supporter

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    Go on then rib.
    Pray tell us.
    We are all ears!
    ZenKarma likes this.
  3. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i don't think generations are getting stupider, but i do think a portion of the collective memory is lost each one.
    every generation has the full range of intelligence, we're just getting, as each newer one comes along, harder of hearing.

    so we forget that the reason aggressive inconsiderateness is bad isn't because some book or ideology or our parents or grand parents said so,
    but because it makes authoritarian tyranny almost inevitable, and then it happens, all the more inevitably the more we believe it to be unlikely or impossible.

    and we're seeing that now in the u.s. the same as it happens in many places because saying never again doesn't or hasn't, prevent the collective memory from faiding every four or five generations.

    (the wiermar republic DID have a constitution. and so did the soviet union.
    and indiginous civilizations were not backward compared to those invading them when they first started doing so.

    they too had it down to a system they did not expect to see fall, had no reason to expect to see fall,
    and the study of history, doesn't really prevent repition of its errors,
    when what you are taught of it, is itself full of errors and those deliberate.)

    so yah, its really not quite that simple, but its really not completely obscure or beyond comprehension.
  4. Boozercruiser

    Boozercruiser Kenny Lifetime Supporter

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    Here is the reason! :laughing:

    WOLF ANGEL likes this.
  5. Grandeur

    Grandeur Members

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    The older I get, the more I go out of my mind.

    The older I get, the more I lose it.

    I keep getting worse and worse as I get older and older.

    I also dont remember the last time I had a shower. It's been close to a month. I am living like a homeless even though I have a home.

    I had tried not to eat any food also but I could stand 4 days of not eating. I didn't eat anything for 4 days and I took too many antidepressant pills on empty stomach during that hunger. Plus, smoking lots of cigarettes and cheap cigars. Still, I couldn't manage to damage my health. I am as healthy as a PIG. I am way too fucking healthy.

    The only thing that happened was, when I started eating after 4 days, my heart was pumping way too fast but that ended later.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2020
  6. NoHobo

    NoHobo Members

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    I wouldn't say that this generation is getting "stupider". Today's youth is a lot more informed and has a lot more access to information, which is both a blessing and a curse. Young people have good intentions, but are easily influenced and misguided, which leads to issues such as excessive political correctness.

    But still, compared to past generations, these kids are geniuses. The amount of complete dumbfuck boomers I've met exponentially surpasses the amount of dumb teens I've met.
  7. Today's generation, addicted to technology!!!!!!

    Not stupid but think they know it all, I have two young adult grandkids.

    And many born with so much privilege...

    Don't know how to scrub a floor or clean a toilet......
  8. endlessdistanthills

    endlessdistanthills Members

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    I had to erase my original reply, just now, when I realized that I have officially turned into my grandparents.
  9. I'll never be my grandparents who came from Europe and made their own food gardens for as long as I can remember....

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    Sadly it has a lot to do with Parental Guidance - and sees, CSN (&Y) words heard with deaf ears - IMO :)

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    Words of Wisdom =

    (Seemingly lost in translation)(???)
  12. granite45

    granite45 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Seems like every generation slings a similar line of malarkey about the new generation. By and large it’s not young people who have drank the koolaid and started the US into its current spiraling descent, it’s the boomers. We had an alternative choice with the original hippies but our generation chose to follow greed, hate, and the fecal matter spewed by Trump.

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