woowee is that campylobacter bug ever a bitch. im verry verry much thinking of giving up meat now . its amazing what a week of bloody diareaha, cramps, and a bitchin headache can do to a wishywashy mindset. anywasy I got a go, i hear the toilet callig my name
oh man, i've not had that specific bug, but i can sort of relate. a few years ago my family went on a camping trip to this camp site which is about 5 hours away from where i live. we were on a beach one night making burgers in this portable barbeque thingie, but while my dad was making them they had defrosed a little bit due to the heat and he ended up touching the defrosted raw burgers and then touching the buns without washing his hands. i dont remember if it was the next day or the day after, but i woke up and i didn't feel quite right and i ended up barfing violently all of that day and the next day in a freaking tent while my brother and dad brought smelly assy fish into the tent and it was just horrible. worse still, we couldn't leave because they couldn't put me in a car in that state, and when we finally did leave to go home (with me still somewhat ill) the car broke down about 20 mins from home and we had to wait near this sewage drainage thing in the blistering heat for almost an hour and a half for a tow truck! it sucked.
aww, CousinIt, are you ok? how long does that bug last for? it's good that you're considering giving up meat. it's not very good for anyone! i hope you're feeling better.
Ooh cousinit, I feel your pain. When I was little I got it on a family vacation for two weeks. From playing on a beach ducks had pooped on, heh. That was a horrible time. I hope you feel much better very soon!
Bacteria or viruses are truly unpleasant. One doesn't like one's natural intestinal flora messed around with. I was a vegetarian and a vegan for over fifteen years. While the lifestyle is generally healthier, please don't live by the absolute belief that everything vegetable and/or fruit is void of danger. Even organic produce can carry soil contaminants, bugs or larvae. If you choose to give up animal meat, I commend you on your path and strongly suggest you look at a wide variety of possibilities before commiting (if you choose to "commit" at all).
I know, my current situation is like saying your gona quit drinking while you have a bad hangover Any ways I need to change my diet, or I'm gona need a double bypas before i hit 40. id say about 3/4 of what i eat is animal produce the rest is mainly vedgies and fuit. Oh I know what your thinking, but no. I was eating like this before I ever heard the name atkins
I hope you get well soon!!! *sending positive thoughts* Bacteria live very very well on meat, which is why it should be chilled, I think your father has learnt that by now!! That's one of the reasons I gave up meat really, it's such a wonderful source of bacteria and other pathogenic organisms. I gotta salute your decision to give up meat... You'll be doing your body a favour...
Im pretty sure I picked it up at a resteraunt. but thiers no certanty .compilobacter has a 5 day incubation period, so I could of picked it up anywhere I'm giving up all prosseced meats, beef, pork, chicken, for now. but fresh fish and seafood is staying, cause i cant give up my favorite food and past time. I bought a brand new boat last summer specificly for fishing.
Awww poor you *hugs* Good to hear you're thinking of jacking in the meat (not fish, oh well it's start) good luck with that and hope you get well soon. TTFN Sage PS Duncan: What do you mean 'animal meat'? Is there some other kind of meat nobody told me about?
I'de definitely say go veggie or as close to it as you can. Meat has so many nasty diseases/bugs (heart disease, obesity, mad cow disease, Avarian flu, prostate and breast cancer, etc etc etc),it's sickening really...