this is the funniest thing ever.

Discussion in 'Christianity' started by madcrappie, May 21, 2007.


    SILVERWOLF_87 Member

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    Ah, when I said that people are not inherently good, I didn't mean to imply that they were inherently bad either. I think that humans are inherently neutral, seeking only to survive, and that they are shaped through their choices. Their choices in turn are influenced by their environment and circumstances.

    Ah, here I think is a large cause of our misunderstandings. I should have clarified earlier on that by Christianity, I mean the teachings of Christ as seen in the gospels. Totally my bad.

    I do not agree with Christianity, but I do agree with many of the teachings of Christ that deal with the actions one should take when dealing with others.

    Agreed, although I would not consider the Christians that took those actions "good".

    Honestly, the only way I think people can become good is by living ethically.
  2. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Ah, now you're talking. Ethics. That is a word FREE of religious dogma, no?

    Now you're playing on our field, LOGIC.

    But you see life isn't black and white is it? But that is how Christians are programmed to see the world:
    Good vs Bad
    Christian vs Heathen
    Gay vs Straight

    So in reality we SHOULD NOT be discussing whether a person is "good" or "bad" at all. ONLY ACTIONS have good or bad results. And EVEN THEN, we cannot judge an action by its apparent results.


    Because an objective observer cannot possibly know everything that happened before that led to the good or bad action. We cannot be certain either that what is apparently a bad action won't lead to some great good eventually.

    This is where karma comes in. Christians and Muslims and Jews call it "God's will". Because we cannot know the "mind" of God, God's thinking behind his actions, we cannot likewise know a person's karmic destiny, based upon his/her actions in previous lives.

    So that jailer at Abu Ghraib prison torturing a prisoner could just be a reversal of some Nazi concentration camp victim now torturing his former torturer in new lives.

    In that case it becomes impossible to sort out who is good and who is bad. In fact the whole exercise of doing that loses its meaning.

    So if it's not about who is good and who is bad, what is it about?

    It's about ETHICS as you say and karma as I say. Christianity has NOTHING TO DO WITH whether we are good or bad people. So it should NEVER claim that someone did a good deed because they are a good Christian.

    Perhaps they did a good deed because ethically it made sense.

    Helping another fellow creature in need is a basic SURVIVAL INSTINCT, that exists in most social creatures down to ants. You can call it ethics if you like, but really it's our INSTINCT TO SURVIVE that leads us to do good deeds.

    Giving a hungry person food helps our OWN survival, because it logically makes sense that if we help someone in need, someone will help us in need.

    This has NOTHING TO DO with Jesus, Christianity or the bible.

    In fact if we did NOT HAVE AND MAKE USE OF these survival instincts our species would've died out a million years ago.

    So what you call ethics, what Christians call being a Good Christian is just BEING HUMAN.

    Got it?

    So the insidious LIE perpetuated by Christianity goes like this:
    A Christian sees a person in need and decides to help them.
    In this person's mind, they might be helping them because they think Jesus would do it.
    So now they've done a "good deed" and awarded Jesus all the credit for their good deed.

    So what's wrong with that?

    Well first of all it was their idea to stop and help someone. By attributing the act to Jesus they've:
    1. Denied their own INHERENT HUMANITY and ETHICS
    2. Denied their own responsibility for their action (Jesus made me do it!)
    3. Perpetuated the LIE that Jesus is responsible for the good deeds of good ppl.
    4. More than likely took the opportunity to lay their own religion upon the person in need by witnessing and prostelitizing to them.

    What this does that is counterproductive is removed responsibility for actions. So now it's a nice act, but if it's a bad act then the "Devil made me do it". So the person NEVER learns to accept full responsibility for their own actions.
  3. Xac

    Xac Visitor

    I disagree, you dont need a right to form an ill informed or a well informed opinion.
  4. niranjan

    niranjan Member

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    I know of little girls who are very kind to animals without any kind of religious indoctrination, and they cry too when animals are hurt. I think they are inherently good.
  5. niranjan

    niranjan Member

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    And good qualities like love , affection, loyalty , compassion can be seen in animals as well.

    I have heard many reports of dogs saving people in danger. I don't think these heroic dogs have read the bible or quran or gita in order to do this.
  6. FreakerSoup

    FreakerSoup Stranger

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    If human beings are born neutral, a blank slate, than you have to be willing to accept that if bad human beings can come about without religion then good people can as well. Hence, mother Theresa is no more an example of christianity's good influence than Hitler or the WBC is of the bad.
  7. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Eggzactkely. :)
  8. madcrappie

    madcrappie crazy fish

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    dogs cant read....

    dogs were bred by man for many years to have the instinct of saving lives... and killing rodents and fetching birds.....

    so man should be commended for making dogs become heroic.
  9. niranjan

    niranjan Member

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    Well, there was an incident in India where in a jungle , a little boy was 'rescued' from wolves. He seemed like Mowgli , the fictional character, who was raised by animals. This guy moved like wolves and howled as well and was very scared of humans and showed aggression. He in fact wanted to go back to the jungle.

    So you can see from this that the wolves themselves, who are wild and not bred by man for many years or stuff, still showed love and compassion to a member of an another species, and raised him as one of them.

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